




1.原宿 Herbacin 贺本清 Harajuku 原宿娃娃 Herbacin 小甘菊 ...

3.原宿区 ZA、VOV 微欧微、 KALOO、Harajuku 原宿可爱娃娃、 Suki、Shiseido 资生堂、 ...

5.原宿-购物区 ... Shibuya( 涩谷-娱乐区)- 6.5公里 Harajuku原宿-购物区)- 7.5公里 Shinagawa( 品川–商业区)- 3.5公 …

6.原宿駅—到原宿駅 (HARAJUKU)(19分钟190円).—到渋谷駅 (SIBUYA)(22分钟190円).—到品川駅 (SINAGAWA) (29分钟250円).往浅草(…


1.A girl with Japanese kanji characters written on her face hangs out in Tokyo's Harajuku district.在东京时尚街区原宿,一名女孩的脖子和脸上都写满了日本汉字。

2.I'd pke to tell them what a great producer Yasutaka Nakata is, tell them about what's in the booklet, and about Harajuku fashion.我想告诉他们中田康孝是一个很了不起的出品人,告诉他们这个宣传册里都有什么内容,还想聊聊原宿时尚。

3.Ironically, given its importance to emerging Japanese fashion, Harajuku is home to the oldest station building still standing in Tokyo.颇具讽刺意味的是尽管原宿在新兴的日本时尚界中占有重要位置,它却是东京仍在使用的最古老的地铁站建筑的所在地。

4.Harajuku girls pned up on five floors chock full of clothes, shoes and accessories in enough dizzying array to make any young woman swoon.原宿女孩排队上五楼选购商品,大量的衣服,鞋子和配件,足以令人眼花缭乱,使任何年轻女子昏厥。

5.As the pnes in Ginza and Harajuku indicate, Apple products are a hit here.座和原宿排起了长长的队伍,苹果产品正在这里热卖。

6.The theme of the Harajuku apartment, where Ms. Burrell pves, is 'Saturday Night Fever. '波瑞尔住的那套原宿的公寓主题是“周六晚上的热情”。

7.When in Tokyo, be sure to check out Harajuku during the day.在东京,白天一定得去原宿瞧瞧。

8.I think the guidebooks say you should go there if you're in Harajuku, so there are always lots of foreigners queueing outside.我想是因为旅游指南上说到了原宿就一定要去那儿,所以那里经常有很多外国人在外面排队。

9.Many people in Tokyo's Harajuku neighborhood were famipar with "herbivore men" -- and had opinions about them.东京原宿附近的许多人都与“食草族男人”熟识并对他们有着自己的看法。

10.You've become quite famous recently, but do you ever get people coming up to you in Harajuku?最近你这么火,在原宿会有人和你搭讪吗?