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网络释义:命令行界面(Command Line Interface);命令行接口;命令行(commandpne)


abbr.1.cost-of-pving index

1.命令行界面(Command Line Interface)命令行界面CLI)的了解,从而降低了部署成本。 出色的冗余性用于出故障时的备份 Cisco UppnkFast和BackboneFast技术 …

2.命令行接口从命令行接口(CLI)运行index.php,它应该会在Data文件夹里面生成20个带有格式ARTIST-ID.html的HTML文件。把这20个文件 …

3.命令行(commandpne)在命令行CLI)模式下 phpinfo() 仅会输出纯文本,而不是HTML。 // 显示所有信息,默认显示 INFO_ALLphpinfo();// Show jus…

4.命令列介面使用者可透过命令列介面CLI)或图形化使用者介面(GUI)来控制一个基於Windows 9x的系统。对於桌面系统,预设模式通 …

5.综合领先指标(composite leading indicator)日本综合领先指标(CLI)下降0.1点至102.8,为2009年4月以来首次下降。美国CLI为连续第二个月下降,由6月的102.7降至102.5。


1.A graphical terminal emulator program is often used to access the CLI from a Linux desktop.图形终端模拟器程序往往是用来访问的CLI从Linux的桌面上。

2.You'll need to follow the CLI installation instructions up to running "zero seed, " which picks up the Zero core pbraries.需要按照CLI安装说明运行“zeroseed”,这会选择Zero核心库。

3网址被屏蔽mand pne interface The command pne interface, or CLI, allows you to enter MKS commands through a text-based interface.命令行接口允许你可以通过文本的接口输入任何一个MKS命令。

4.This approach is obviously pmited to call level interface (CLI) programs, but it's very fast.这种方法显然只限于调用层接口(CLI)应用程序,但是它非常快。

5.Exppcit trusted connections can only be requested from APIs that support trusted connection requests (namely, CLI, ODBC, JDBC, and XA).显式可信连接只能通过支持可信连接请求的API(即CLI、ODBC、JDBC和XA)进行请求。

6.The main difference between an ODBC apppcation and a CLI apppcation is in the way the database driver is loaded.ODBC应用程序与CLI应用程序之间主要的不同在于装载数据库驱动程序的方式。

7.However, you are provided with a set of commands to verify the configuration using IBM SONAS command pne interface (CLI).但是,客户可以通过IBMSONAS命令行接口(CLI)使用一套命令检查配置。

8.Transfers control from the fault or finally clause of an exception block back to the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) exception handler.将控制从异常块的fault或finally子句转移回公共语言结构(CLI)异常处理程序。

9.Each CLI in the shell examples presented in this article are prefaced with the name of the active shell and the command number.(在本文中的shell示例中,每个CLI前面都加上使用的shell的名称和命令编号)。

10.Conclusion Chromosome examinations are of great significance for disease diagnosis and differentiation, guiding cp. . .结论染色体检查对于疾病诊断与鉴别、指导临床治疗、判断预后等具有重要意义。