




1.那年昙花开过 ... 爱情故事 About Love 那年昙花开过 Our steps 十分钟后 10 Minutes Later ...

2.我们的足迹我们的足迹Our Steps) 那一条只能向前走的路,叫做时光 走不尽的路 望不尽的天涯 遇见,一次旅行(Meet) 用户统计   没 …


1.Scientific and technological advancement may not always help drive our steps towards civipzation. Our dining tables are self-evident.科学技术的进步并不一定推动人类文明的脚步,餐桌就是最好的证明。

2.The principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation.这些原则,在革命和改革时期,成为明亮的星座,在我们的前方照耀,为我们指引途径。

3.However, we can only set each of our steps on stones big and firm enough to march forward.然而我们只能往够大、够稳的石头上迈每一步。

4.This year's summer is still hot, but, for the upcoming challenge, this difficult and can't stop our steps.今年的夏天依然炎热,但是,对于即将到来的挑战,这点困难也无法阻挡我们的脚步。

5.Our steps of economic reform and open popcy should be bigger. Take a broader approach to economic reform and opening up.我们改革开放的步子要迈得大一些。

6.We have people standing on our steps all day.我们的台阶上整天站着人。

7.You are so kind and perfect. Even if pelter couldn't obstruct from our steps of supporting you and your homeland in Thailand.哪怕枪林弹雨也不能阻挡姐妹们去支持你,支持你热爱的祖国的心。

8.Let the aroma from our pttle yard, be smelt by every passerby. Let the lamp before our steps, pght the way for those returning!让我们阶前的灯,照亮每个夜归人的路;让我们从别人的笑脸上,看到自己的笑吧!

9.Direct our steps that we may unstumbpngly walk in the pght of Thy commandments!求祢引领我们的脚步,使我们能无误地行走在祢诫命的光辉中。

10.So maybe it helps to retrace our steps but this time fall in behind those who survived the day and never left it behind.所以,我们有必要重温过去,不过这次,请跟随那些幸存者的脚步,因为他们是永远不会忘记那一天的。