




1.约翰船长在教堂静静坐下的小孩,一八八三年七月五日,他自称『约翰船长』(Captain John),在诚实袜(Loyal Sock)营地举办一个夏 …


1.Chelsea captain John Terry struggled with a foot injury but he said: "There was no way I was coming off. "切尔西队长特里比赛中受伤但一直坚持到最后,他说:“决不离开。”

2.While in England Pocahontas was able to visit with Captain John Smith, whom she had not seen in seven years.在英国时,波卡洪塔斯能与史密斯上尉见面,他们已有七年未见。

3.Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain John Kirby said the officers will not be involved in combat.美国国防部发言人柯比海军上校说,他们将不会卷入武装冲突。

4.Several members of the Chelsea staff, including manager Jose Mourinho and captain John Terry, went to see him yesterday afternoon.几位切尔西成员包括主教练穆里尼奥和队长特里昨天下午去看望了他。

5.England captain John Terry insists three points were 'the main thing' against Andorra and has called on fans not to boo during the game.英格兰队长约翰.特里强调对阵安道尔最重要还是全取三分,同时亦呼吁球迷不要在球赛进行中时作出嘘声。

6.ENGLAND: With new captain John Terry leading by example, England kicked off the McClaren era with a thumping win.在新队长特里的榜样力量下,英格兰用一个完胜踢出了麦克拉伦时代的开局。

7.New captain John Terry is of course in the party, as are Frank Lampard and Wayne Bridge. Joe Cole's current injury prevents his selection.新队长约翰特里当然在名单内,另外两位是弗兰克-兰帕德和韦恩-布里奇。乔-科尔由于近期的伤势而没有入选。

8.Working alongside Emergency Services Unit Captain John Darius (Willem Dafoe), all are hopeful that the situation can be peacefully defused.与“紧急勤务小组”队长约翰•达瑞斯(威廉•达福)协同作战的所有人,都满怀希望地认为这一局势可以得到和平解决。

9.Some erroneously bepeved Pocahontas was romantically pnked to Captain John Smith, most pkely due to the Disney film inspired by her pfe.有些人错误地把波卡·洪塔斯与史密斯上尉联系在一起,一大部分原因要归咎于一部灵感来源于其生活的迪士尼电影。

10.Chelsea captain John Terry is absolutely certain that Manchester United will drop enough points to give them a chance in the title race.切尔西队长约翰-特里绝对相信,在争夺冠军的竞赛中曼联肯定会失掉足够的分数,从而给蓝军机会。