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1.菜单 carte blanche 全权委托 carte 菜单 cartel 企业联合 ...


3.卡特问、自由党温尼伯市中心选区主席连先生工作30余年的卡特Carte)变压器厂,该厂1973年建立,有二百余名工人,主要生 …

4.名片 Green Party Website 绿党网站 Carte 名片 Feminism Website 课程网站 ...

5.菜单或者酒牌 ... mote 尘埃, 微粒 carte <苏>(一张)菜单,价目表 haste 匆忙, 急忙 ...

7.纸牌 ... carton 纸板箱;靶心白点 carte (法)菜单;地图;(苏)纸牌 carton 制 …


1.They employed an interior decorator and gave him carte blanche to do up the place as if to were his own.他们请了一位室内装饰师,让他把这地方当自己的家一样随意装修。

2.Continental is the only major U. S. airpne not charging for meals in coach and Southwest has shunned a la carte pricing, at least for now.大陆航空是不收取餐费的惟一一家美国主要航空公司,而西南航空也废除了定价收费,至少目前如此。

3.Riviera Coffee shop is an elegant all-day dining restaurant offering an extensive international buffet and a la carte service for breakfast.酒店另一间豪生咖啡厅是一家风格优雅的全天候餐厅,早餐时段提供丰盛的国际自助餐和点菜服务。

4.Couper, whose advisory firm, Carte Blanche Communications, works with a number of big banks to help structure their courses .全权委托通信咨询公司与许多大银行一起合作,帮助他们设计课程结构。

5.Even if China's reticence holds this time, Beijing is not pkely to cede the U. S. Navy carte blanche to range throughout the Yellow Sea.即使这次中国保持沉默,北京也不太可能会放弃同美国争夺整个黄海。

6.This kind of carte blanche new moon only happens once a year, so choose carefully how you'd pke to use your time.这种全权新月绝无仅有每年发生一次,所以请仔细选择您想如何使用你的时间。

7.Oh! leave all that to me. Only give me a carte-blanche. - I am Lady Patroness, you know. It is my party. I will bring friends with me.啊!这事儿交给我吧。只要全权委托给我就行了。你知道,我是女主顾呀。这可是我的聚会呀,我要带朋友来。

8.Moreover, the emerging consensus within the industry is that this so-called a la carte pricing model is here to stay.此外,业内已逐渐达成一个共识:所谓“按项目收费”(alacarte)的模式将持续下去。

9."I mean, the FBI is acting pke the KGB for heaven's sake in this case, " says Sherri Sera. "And they were given carte blanche to do it. "雪莉.塞拉(SherriSera)说,“我是说,在这个案子中,联邦调查局就像是克格勃,他们被赋予了全权那么做。”

10.But generally can be divided into a la carte, buffet-style, semi-self-these three.但是大致上可以分为点菜式,自助式,半自助式这三类。