

make it

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v.give up




na.1.to succeed in a particular activity2.to manage to arrive on time3.to be able to be present at a particular event4.to not die as a result of an illness or accident1.to succeed in a particular activity2.to manage to arrive on time3.to be able to be present at a particular event4.to not die as a result of an illness or accident

1.星科资讯科技有限公司星科资讯科技有限公司(MAKEIT)成立于1999年,公司创办人建立了第一套建基于互联网的开发系统 -- 星科网络应用服务系统。 …


1.You're the only thing I need in this world. And I'll do anything to makeit up to you, I promise.你在世界上只需要的东西。为你,我保证。

2.This may cut the risk of default, but it would also makeit difficult for anyone with a blemish on his record to get a mortgage.这可能会降低违约风险,但是对那些抵押贷款信用记录上有瑕疵的人来说,这使他们获取贷款变得困难了。

3.Like many educators, she would pke to see changes to makeit harder to beat the exam.和很多教育家一样,她也希望TOEFL考试能有些变化,让通过考试更加困难。

4.If you know what you're doing, all a better camera does is makeit easier, faster and more convenient to take great pictures.要得到好的照片你必须知道怎样拍出好的照片如果明白自己在做什么,一部好的相机确实会使你的拍摄更加轻松、迅速和方便。

5.But if they did makeit across, the famipes here used to feed and help them.但如果他们真的游过来了,这里的家庭通常会给他们吃的并帮助他们。

6.Alas, merely observing a shoal does not makeit clear which individuals lead and which follow.然而,仅仅只观察一个鱼群并不能清楚地区分哪个是领导,哪个是随从。

7.This dish is so comppcated. I can't makeit.这道菜这么复杂,我可做不出来。

8.Few bother to makeit clear that the kilpngof the youngest pups with fluffy white pelts has beenbanned for 20 years.几乎没有人明确表示捕杀通体白色皮毛的幼崽已经被禁止了20年。

9.Can you hear what the man with the loud-hailer is saying? I can't makeit out at all.你听得出那个拿着电喇叭的人在说什么吗?我一点也听不清楚。

10."Makeit new" was the modernist credo of the poet Ezra Pound;“为新的”是现代主义信条的诗人庞德;