




1.挑战自我 ... 移动世界 The Mobile World 挑战自我,与众不同 Challenge Yourself 旧金山 San Franci…

2.挑战自己 ... 6. Get enough sleep 充足睡眠 7. Challenge yourself 挑战自己 8. Laugh 大笑 ...

3.挑战你自己Miscellaneous Exercise)和“挑战你自己”(Challenge Yourself)等。

4.自我挑战 ... 6. Get enough sleep: 保证充足睡眠 7. Challenge yourself: 自我挑战 8. Laugh: 开怀大笑 ...

5.喜欢挑战自己 3 没有借口( No excuse) 4 喜欢挑战自己challenge yourself) 2 积极主动( Being proactive) ...

6.充满挑战 ... 3. 发挥你的最大潜力 Tap into your full potential 4. 充满挑战 Challenge yourself 5. 极客精神 Geek-oriented ...

7.你自己挑战自己要你自己挑战自己(challenge yourself)是贾伯斯最常用的手段,他会不断地问你问题,从不同的角度来问你,看看你是否已经把 …


1.Live your pfe to your best capabipty. Here are a few areas that you could try to challenge yourself in.尽你最大的能力去生活,有些方面你也可以挑战自己。

2.You can decide how much you want to challenge yourself each day!你可以自行决定你每天挑战自我的程度!

3.Challenge yourself to pve pfe fuller. . . get out of comfort routines. . . . turn off the TV for a month. . . . see what happens.挑战自己,让生活变得更加充实…跳出舒适的常规习惯中…关掉一个月的电视…看看什么事情会发生。

4.If it does seem boring and droll, challenge yourself to take a new stab at it.如果它真的令你感到无聊,那就挑战一下自己,去拍出一些新意吧。

5.Challenge yourself in this addictive, easy to use, old-school arcade racing game.挑战自己,在此上瘾,容易使用,老派街机赛车游戏。

6.When you come upon a situation that seems negative, challenge yourself to explain to yourself why you consider it to be negative.当你感觉到一种情况下似乎有些消极,你要去挑战自我,对自己解释下为什么认为它消极。

7.Challenge yourself - any time your goal seems easy to reach, up your word count.挑战自己——每当你觉得你的目标很容易达成时,再加一点。

8.The company will provide you with a stage to show your talent and challenge yourself.我们将给您提供一个展示自我、挑战自我的舞台。公司将提供具有竞争力培训计划!

9.Training yourself to be expressive and challenge yourself creatively. Making new friends and communicating with fellow artists.训练你如何表达自己和挑战自己不断创新,交一些新朋友,和你的合作伙伴进行沟通之类。

10.NO-SPEND DAYS: Challenge yourself to have days that you don't spend any money at all.无消费日:挑战一下,让自己在几天之内不花费任何一分钱。