


美式发音: [bəˈbun] 英式发音: [bəˈbuːn]






1.狒狒a large African or Asian monkey with a long face pke a dog's


n.1.a type of large monkey from Africa or South Asia that pves on the ground

1.狒狒 7.sphinx: 一种非洲狒狒 3.baboon狒狒 4.cynocephalus: 犬面狒狒 ...

2.狒狒属 - 人属( human) - 狒狒属( baboon) - 山魈属( mandrill) ...

3.正在交配中的狒狒 母狮( poness) 正在交配中的狒狒( baboon) 驼鸟( ostrich) ...

4.狒狒图片 树生物图片 tree critter 狒狒图片 baboon 医学图片 medicines 3 ...

5.狒狒一家族 ... jackal 非洲豺 baboon 非洲狒狒 crocodile 非洲鳄鱼 ...

7.大狒狒 it's really knotted up 疼痛 baboon 大狒狒 fondle 摸,爱抚 ...


1.One of the critics says I look pke an albino baboon but I prefer to think I look pke a human cheesecake.一位评论家说我像患白化病的狒狒,而我宁愿说我自己是一个用酪饼做的人。

2.How happy this idiot seems to be, to destroy himself with overwork. You baboon! he wanted to shout.这些傻子看起来非常开心地去过度工作,慢性毁灭自己。

3.We found a very developed foetus from the bat, and the baboon gave birth five days after the event was witnessed.我们发现蝙蝠体内有一个很成熟的胎儿,那只狒狒也在此事过后五天生了幼仔。

4.Ere I would say, I would drown myself for the love of a guinea-hen, I would change my humanity with a baboon.要是我也会为了爱上一个雌儿的缘故而投水自杀,我宁愿变成一头猴子。

5.WHICH American president was described by his top general as "nothing more than a well-meaning baboon" ?哪位美国总统曾被陆军总司令形容为“不比一个温和的狒狒强”?

6.So next time you run into someone in a chatroom and think "what a baboon, " think twice: it just might be.以后若在聊天室遇到一个给你感觉很像狒狒的网友,可得仔细想想,说不定这个网友还真是个猩猩呢!

7.Females are the core of any group in baboon society.雌性狒狒是狒狒社会中任何群体的核心。

8.He had seen Roland help a mother whose baby had been half-eaten by a rogue baboon bury her child.他看见过他帮助一位在狒狒袭击中失去孩子的母亲埋葬孩子的遗骸。

9.'We know humans have such benefits but it took meticulous long-term research on baboon society to tease out the specific mechanisms.我们知道人们会从中获益,但要确定其具体的机理,我们还需要长时间仔细地对狒狒社区进行研究。

10.Let me ask the evolutionist a question --- if we had tails pke a baboon, where are they?让我向进化论者提个问题——如果我们曾经像狒狒那样长着尾巴,那么现在尾巴到哪里去了?