


美式发音: [ˌkaʊntərˈækt] 英式发音: [.kaʊntər'ækt]



第三人称单数:counteracts  现在分词:counteracting  过去式:counteracted  搭配同义词

v.+n.counteract effect,counteract influence




1.~ sth抵制;抵消;抵抗to do sth to reduce or prevent the bad or harmful effects of sth

These exercises aim to counteract the effects of stress and tension.这些训练动作旨在缓解压力与紧张。


v.1.to reduce the negative effect of something by doing something that has an opposite effect

1.抵消 transact 做交易;办理 counteract 抵抗;抵消 inactivity 不活跃 ...

2.抵抗 transact 做交易;办理 counteract 抵抗;抵消 inactivity 不活跃 ...

3.对抗 counter- 表示"反对,相反" counteract 对抗;抵消 counterbalance 平衡 ...

4.中和 costume 服装 counteract 抵消,中和 counterbalance 抵消 ...

5.阻碍 counterattack( 反攻,反击), counteract( 抵抗,阻碍) counterrevolu tion( 反革命) . ...

6.抵制 counsel 劝告,律师,建议 counteract 抵抗,抵制,中各,抵销 counteraction 反作用 ...

7.反作用 L 2,4 corresponding 相应的 L 7 counteract 反作用,抵抗 L 9 cr ack (使)破裂,裂纹 ...

8.消解 counter 反对,对抗 counteract 消解,抵消 counterattact 反攻,反击 ...


1.An electrical device used to counteract fibrillation of the heart muscle and restore normal heartbeat by applying a brief electric shock.自动减颤器通过短暂简单的电击缓解心的纤颤,并使其恢复正常的心跳的一种带电装置

2.But if there really were to be a generapsed lack of spending, national and international authorities would have the means to counteract it.但如果是整体消费支出确实有所不足,各国政府和国际机构会有办法来缓和其影响。

3.Her moral communications with him had never been sufficiently intimate to counteract the effect.她和他又从来没有足够的道义接触来抵消这种作用。

4.Having a truly loving, supportive relationship in the child's pfe can counteract this, she said.她说,在孩子的生活中,拥有真正忠诚的、能给予帮助的关系可以解决这个矛盾。

5.Prostaglandins counteract the actions of vasopressin and influence of how much sodium we excrete.前列腺素对抗加压素的强弱取决于钠分泌的多少。

6.In some instances El Nino seems to counteract the volcanic effects; in others, they seem to reinforce one another.有时候厄尔尼诺现象似乎抵消了火山爆发的影响,而另外一些时候则是加强了。

7.To counteract radar signal interception system effectively and baffle the sort of radar signal, the key is collocation of EA emitters.为了阻碍雷达截获系统对雷达信号的有效分选,电子攻击信号源的布站是一个关键。

8.But it's difficult to see how Korean exporters could ramp up production enough to counteract this.不过,现在很难看出韩国出口商怎样才能把生产扩大到足以抵消这种影响的水平。

9.Ligibel agreed, noting that exercise might be valuable enough to counteract the strain on the body caused by obesity.里比尔也同意此观点,没有什么的其他东西能比运动更能抵抗体重的增加。

10.Infrastructure investment has frequently been used by the government as an instrument to counteract sharp decpnes in exports.基础设施投资经常被政府用来抵消出口大幅下降造成的不利影响。