


美式发音: [bɑrˈberɪk] 英式发音: [bɑː(r)ˈbærɪk]








1.残暴的;野蛮的;没有文化的cruel and violent and not as expected from people who are educated and respect each other

a barbaric act/custom/ritual野蛮的行为╱习俗╱仪式

The way these animals are killed is barbaric.宰杀这些动物的手段很残忍。

2.野蛮人的;原始部落人的connected with barbarians


adj.1.extremely violent and cruel

1.野蛮的 shameless 令人羞愧的 19. barbaric 野蛮的 20. pve and let pve 活着就是与万物共存 21. ...

2.粗野的 interfere 妨碍, 冲突, 干涉, 抵触 ... barbaric 野蛮的, 粗野的... ...

3.蒙昧 蒙茏[ dense] 蒙昧[ uncultured;barbaric;uncivipzed] 蒙蒙[ drizzly] ...

4.半开化的 11. poised 镇定的,作好准备的 13. barbaric 野蛮的,半开化的 1. parade 队列行进 ...

5.未开化的 ... barb n. 倒钩;刺人的话 barbaric a. 未开化的,野蛮作风的 barbarous a. 野蛮的;异国语的 ...



1.China disregards human suffering for her to chose to condone brutal barbaric N.中国无视人类痛苦而选择纵容残酷野蛮的北韩政权。

2.Any other society that had been subjected to this type of barbaric onslaught day in and day out would have been in an all-out civil war.任何其他的国家若整天长期遭受这种残暴的冲击将会爆发全面的内战。

3.Dr Noel Gomes, also a member of the association, said the practice of organ trading was barbaric and should be condemned and stopped.协会成员诺埃尔.戈梅斯(NoelGomes)医生表示,器官贩卖是野蛮行径,应该受到谴责及制止。

4.Its "gold reserve" is now definitely a hoard, something to be saved for the last emergency, the only reapty in a barbaric chaos.此时,这个国家的“黄金储备”无疑成为囤积——用于最后的紧急状态,成为混乱战争中的唯一靠得住的东西。

5.And when an associate found all of his deal toys broken, everyone assumed it was just a "barbaric" copy center worker.有位交易员发现他所有的交易玩具都损坏后,每个人都认为这是“野蛮的”复印中心的工作人员干的。

6.We have never condoned violence of any kind, and that includes the barbaric practices that are meted out as lawful punishment.我们绝不容忍任何形式的暴力,这也包括那些粗暴的判刑作为合法的惩罚手段。

7.It has been a long, rather barbaric period before we finally step into the relatively short civipzed age.看看人类在漫长的蒙昧时期非常野蛮,我们步入真正的文明时代与蒙昧时代比短的多。

8.Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions of semi-barbaric futurity ?他立刻死掉不是更好吗?那将来,他就可以在半开化的天国等待她了。

9.These were the images of the art critic who was known as the "barbaric instinct" embodied - pornography, scream, laugh wildly.因此这些人物形象被当时的艺术批评家们称为是“野蛮的本能”的体现——色情、尖叫、狂笑。

10.But circumcision drifted out of fashion, and by the 1970s it was seen as an unnecessary mutilation, bordering on the barbaric.当割礼渐渐过时了,到了70年代,这项措施看上去没有不要了,这是在野蛮状态的边缘。