


美式发音: [ˈvɪnˌjərd] 英式发音: [ˈvɪnjə(r)d]



复数:vineyards  同义词

n.winery,wine grower,estate,chateau,vinery



1.(为酿酒而种植的)葡萄园;(以自产葡萄进行生产的)葡萄酒厂a piece of land where grapes are grown in order to produce wine; a business that produces wine from the grapes it grows in a vineyard


n.1.a farm that grows grapes and produces wine; a piece of land where vines are grown

1.葡萄园 alp n. 高山 vineyard n. 葡萄园 picturesque a. 独特的 ...

2.葡萄庄园 ... understanding( 明白) vineyard( 葡萄庄园) Winning Lottle( 乐透) ...


4.葡萄院儿ki Hockersmith)说,同样是在克林顿到葡萄园岛Vineyard)度假时,她将办公室整饬一新。

7.葡萄园之歌 ... 仙女罗莎琳 Heavenly Rosapnd 葡萄园之歌 Vineyard 可爱的梅安 Lovely Meilland ...


1.Admire the heart of Port wine region with its vineyard, Alto Douro (visit to a country estate).欣赏)的心村港口的国家,其葡萄园的葡萄酒产区,奥拓杜罗(访问到。

2.Aside: The song led him into a vineyard, where he found a young man singing and pruning the vines.旁白:歌声把他引到一座葡萄园,在那,他发现一个小伙子,在修剪着一个葡萄藤。

3.Ms Anderson: That's good to hear. Well, it's time for me to see my friends. Today we're visiting a vineyard.安德森女士:真是太好了。我该去见我的朋友了,我们今天会去参观一个葡萄园。

4.Solomon had a vineyard in Baal Hamon; he let out his vineyard to tenants. Each was to bring for its fruit a thousand shekels of silver.所罗门在巴力哈们有一葡萄园。他将这葡萄园交给看守的人,为其中的果子,必交一千舍客勒银子。

5.Ahab said to Naboth, 'Let me have your vineyard to use for a vegetable garden, since it is close to my palace.亚哈对拿伯说,你将你的葡萄园给我作菜园,因为是靠近我的宫。

6.In the book of Matthew a tale is told about an employer who keeps recruiting guys to help him in the vineyard.在《马太福音书》里有一个故事,讲一个雇主不断招人来帮忙照看葡萄园。

7.he stayed over a weekend which is usually quiet , so he was able to see the vineyard and the cellars , where the wine is aged.他在这儿过了一个安静的周末,并参观了葡萄园和珍藏着陈年老酒的地窖。

8.Their son, John F. Kennedy Jr. , died with his wife and sister-in-law when his plane crashed as he was flying to Martha's Vineyard in 1999.他们的儿子小肯尼迪、其妻及妻姐三人在1999年飞往葡萄园岛时坠机身亡。

9.They found no treasure. But the vineyard gave its fruits many times more as it had been well tended.他们没有发现财宝。但是,由于葡萄园得到了精心管理,园子结出葡萄多了好几倍。

10.What more could have been done for my vineyard than I have done for it? When I looked for good grapes, why did it yield only bad?我为我葡萄园所作之外,还有什么可作的呢?我指望结好葡萄,怎么倒结了野葡萄呢?