




1.联合国艾滋病规划署皮奥特在职官员可能承认注射吸毒者可能既是病人又是嫌犯,”联合国艾滋病规划署皮奥特Piot)说,“但这种理念却没有得到每一 …

2.投入产出表 ... 2.1.9 Save ODtions( 保存选项) 2.1.11 Piot( 绘图) 2.1.12 Irriport( 导入…

4.物质投入产出表(physical input-output table) ) Output intrinsical safety 输出本质安全 ) PIOT 物质投入产出表 ) essential security instruments 本质安全型仪表 ...

5.百乐 英雄 HERO 百乐 PIOT 韩国 morning glory ...

6.实物投入产出法4.2.2 实物投入产出法(PIOT)83-844.2.3 生态足迹研究方法84-85 4.2.4 生命周期评价(LCA)85-86 4.2.5 单位服务的物质强度研究 …


1.Finding new drugs pke a microbicide often can be a process of trial and error, and requires scientifically rigorous trials, Piot said.发现类似抗生素的新药常常需要反复试验,而且必须进行科学、严密的试验,Piot说。

2.Dr. Peter PIOT, Executive Director of UNAIDS, officiated the first anniversary of the Red Ribbon Centre and put up the Mission Statement.联合国爱滋病规划署执行总监毕比达博士访港,并为红丝带中心使命牌匾作揭幕仪式。

3.Piot called for "intensified attention" to what he called the "next-wave countries, " China, India and Russia.皮奥特要求人们格外注意他所说的“下一波国家”。这些国家包括中国、印度和俄罗斯。

4.But the epidemic continues to grow and is spreading at alarming rates in other areas, according to Peter Piot who heads UNAIDS.联合国艾滋病规化署负责人彼得.皮奥特说,其它地区的艾滋病疫情也在持续增加,并且在以惊人的速度蔓延。

5."We've achieved more in the past five years than in the previous 20 years, " said Peter Piot, the agency's executive director.“在过去的五年,我们取得的进步比过去20年要多”,协会执行主任彼得说道。

6."We know that treatment is more than just access to antiretrovirals, " said Dr Peter Piot, UNAIDS Executive Director.联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任PeterPiot博士说,“我们知道,治疗不只是获得抗逆转录病毒药物。”