




1.食死徒 Bonder: 见证人 Death Eaters: 食死徒,伏地魔的追随者: wizard/witch: 巫师 ...

4.食死徒伏地魔的追随者 Bonder: 见证人 Death Eaters食死徒伏地魔的追随者: Astronomy 天文学 ...

5.伏地魔的食屍鬼群来的未来的英雄,此时追杀他的大反派也来了,他们就是魔徒Death Eaters),是堕落的道者(Wizard),而他们所在的红 …


1.It is possible that if Harry performs magic, he might draw the attention of Death Eaters or even of Voldemort.可能是因为如果哈利施了魔法,就有可能引起食死徒甚至伏地魔的注意。

2.All right, the Death Eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year.好吧,食死徒一直试图招募我,超过一年了。

3.Several of the Death Eaters leapt back in their chairs. Draco fell out of his onto the floor.几个食死徒又坐回到了椅子中,德拉科瘫在了地板上。

4.and a red bolt of pght shot from his own wand, cleaving a gap between the four pursuing Death Eaters as they scattered to avoid it.一道红光从他自己的魔杖里射出,那四个追来的食死徒急忙躲避,闪出一个空当。

5.Harry, RON, and hermione decided to learn on your own defense against the dark arts, so that the death eaters arrives to join the fight.哈利、罗恩和赫敏决定自己学习黑魔法防御术,以便在食死徒到来之时能加入战斗。

6.Death Eaters: The followers of Voldemort. They were summoned by the Dark Mark.食死徒。伏地魔的追随者。

7.One of the Death Eaters waved his wand and the scream stopped, still echoing around the distant mountains.一个食死徒挥了挥魔杖,尖叫声停止了,但仍在远处的群山间回荡不绝。

8.All of the Death Eaters were looking up at the captive now, as though they had been given permission to show curiosity.现在所有的食死徒也开始看着这个俘虏,就好像他们被允许表现出好奇似的。

9."It's not a problem, just keep flying! " Harry shouted back, as two more Death Eaters emerged out of the darkness, drawing closer.“没关系,尽管飞吧!”哈利大声回答,这时又有两个食死徒从黑暗中冒了出来,越逼越近。

10.A fire burned in the middle of the clearing, and its fpckering pght fell over a crowd of completely silent, watchful Death Eaters.空地的中央燃着一堆篝火,摇曳的火光照着一群沉默不语、神色警觉的食死徒。