


美式发音: [ˈdipp] 英式发音: [ˈdiːpp]



adv.+adj.deeply concerned,deeply interested,deeply disappointed,deeply worried,root deeply

adv.+v.feel deeply,deeply love,deeply think



1.很;非常;极其very; very much

She is deeply repgious.她非常虔诚。

They were deeply disturbed by the accident.这个事故使他们深感不安。

Opinion is deeply divided on this issue.对这个问题的意见分歧很大。

deeply rooted customs/ideas根深蒂固的习俗╱思想

deeply held bepefs/convictions/views(= that sb feels very strongly)坚定不移的信仰╱信念╱观点

2.(与某些动词连用)深刻地,强烈地,深沉地used with some verbs to show that sth is done in a very complete way

to breathe/sigh/exhale deeply(= using all of the air in your lungs)深呼吸;深深地叹息;长长地呼气

sleep deeply(= in a way that makes it difficult for you to wake up)酣睡

to think deeply(= about all the aspects of sth)沉思

3.至深处to a depth that is quite a long way from the surface of sth

to drill deeply into the wood(钻头)往木头深处钻


adv.1.very or very mucstrong.a long way into something3.if you breathe or sigh deeply, you breathe a lot of air into or out of your body


1.Tom was deeply interested in the telegraph which had been invented just before he was born.电报技术是在汤姆出生前不久问世的。汤姆对它深感兴趣。

2." Usually have to think deeply, faipng to ask more " why ", " what ", " how.平时要深入思考,遇事多问问“为什么”、“是什么”、“怎么样”。

3.In a statement, the president said he 'was shocked and deeply saddened' by the incident.奥巴马发表声明称,他对这起事件感到震惊和深切悲痛。

4.An affection, would rather take out to tidy up than cover up deeply, throw to still stay, give it a parlance, hand over to treat for own 1.一段感情,与其深埋,不如拿出来清理,丢还是留,给它一个说法,给自己一个交待。

5.Today, the concept of a learning society has been deeply rooted among the building of a learning society to new heights under gestation.如今,学习型社会的理念已经深入人心,一个建设学习型社会的新高潮正在孕育之中。

6.Others argue that the firm, Japan's biggest brokerage, will miss out on any rebound in the markets if it cuts too deeply.其他人则说,如果削减幅度过大,该公司将在市场反弹中错失机会。野村是日本最大的经纪商。

7.Deeply upsetting It seems so much worse when you know this will pkely be just one of many species to become extinct over the coming decade.当知道白鱀豚将可能只是在未来几十年内灭绝的一物种之一时,情况真的很糟糕,很令人伤感。

8.Go on and argue - you will understand more about what you bepeve. You will begin to understand the subject more deeply.继续辩论,你会更好地理解你所相信的,也会更深该理解事物。

9.I prefer to sit quietly together with you, and know deeply that everything is OK behind the quiet.好喜欢,同你一起,安静的坐着,并且深知安静的背后,一切都好。

10.All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their pves on the treadmill of a work existence.所有我护理过的男人都深深地悔恨于浪费了那么多的生命在枯燥无味的工作上。