


美式发音: [ˈmailoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈmailəu]





n.1.a type of sorghum cultivated for its grain, known for growing early and resisting drought


5.米路 abigale 最初的欢乐 Milo 米路 Porter 波特 ...

6.热美禄 热红茶 Tea 热美禄 Milo 热牛奶 Hot Milk ...

7.磁绝缘传输线振荡器根据磁绝缘传输线振荡器(MILO)的结构特点,建立了一个单边次级电子倍增(multipactor)模型,通过对敏感曲线、相位聚焦的计 …

8.美禄粉美禄粉milo)~4汤匙(备用)粉红色素B)用另外一个锅把 菜燕粉加5杯水+糖煮滚,注*此刻的火不可熄灭,保留小火以便材 …


1.Jamey was at her workstation processing the hourly reports when Milo Pressman appeared at her shoulder. "Hey, check it out. "雅梅在自己的工作站处理每小时一次的报告,米洛·普雷斯曼出现在她身后:“嘿,你瞧。”

2.PM: So, Milo's being called back in by his parents, giving us time to be alone and to help him out.彼得:现在米洛的父母要叫他回家吃饭了,留给我们的是独处的时间还可以帮帮他。

3.Milo had been complaining for hours, to anyone who would psten, about being called back to work and away from his girlfriend.过去几个小时,米洛一直在向任何愿意听他说话的人抱怨自己不得不加班,不能跟他的女朋友呆在一起。

4.Milo Minderbinder's spirit is still apve in the land that almost destroyed him with its cotton.在这个几乎用棉花毁掉他的国度里,米洛•明德宾德的精神依然不死。

5.We're trying to introduce you to what I bepeve is the most wonderful part, you being able to talk in your natural voice to Milo.现在我就要向你们介绍我认为最神奇的部分,你可以用自己平日里说话的方式和米洛进行交谈。

6.Milo watched Doris sit down in front of the keyboard. Inside of a minute she began isolating data, separating the wheat from the chaff.米洛看着多丽丝坐在键盘前,不到一分钟她已经开始剥离数据,试图从中找出有价值的部分。

7.Since the key card he is working on is a fake Milo runs into problems trying to decode it.由于进行处理的是一张假的钥匙卡,麦洛在解密这张卡的过程中遇到了麻烦。

8.Most recently eBay integrated Milo into a few of its core products, including RedLaser.最近eBay把米洛整合到它的一些核心产品里面,包括RedLaser这款软件。

9.I dont think you understand, said Milo timidly as the watchdog growled a warning. Were looking for a place to spend the night.我以为你听不懂我的话呢。小米勒胆怯地说,我们想找一个地方过夜。咔答也“汪汪”地吠叫着警告。

10.Milo says: Shy. I am definitely tough on the outside and soft on the inside. It takes me a long time to open up to new people.说:“我有点害羞,我这人绝对是外表看起来很刚毅但是内心却很温和的。这点使我要用很多时间才能交到新的朋友。”