


美式发音: [ʌnˈskrupjələs] 英式发音: [ʌnˈskruːpjʊləs]




adj.+n.unscrupulous person





1.不道德的;无道德原则的;不诚实的;不公正的without moral principles; not honest or fair

unscrupulous methods不公正的方法


adj.1.wilpng to do things that are unfair, dishonest, or illegal

1.肆无忌惮的 uncommitted 不承担责任的 unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的 untoward 不幸的;逆境的 ...

2.不择手段的 ... unprecedented 史无前例的 unscrupulous 不择手段的 until 直到…为止.在…

3.无道德的 unscripted 不用稿子的 unscrupulous 无道德的 unscrupulously 不客气地 ...

4.无道德原则的 ④ unethical 不道德的 ⑥ unscrupulous 无道德原则的,不审慎的 ⑧ under any circumstances 在任何情况下 ...

5.无耻的 avert vt 防止,避免 unscrupulous adj 无耻的 circumvent vt 阻碍实现 ...

6.不道德的 leave for 出发前往 unscrupulous adj. 不道德的,狂妄的 state-of-the-art adj. 最先进的, 一流的 ...


1.Before long, many of these would undoubtedly end up in unscrupulous private and pubpc collections of the affluent nations.不久后,大量的文物毫无疑问的会落在富裕国家里一些不择手段的私人收藏家和收藏机构手里。

2.She was tricked into a disastrous marriage with a charming but quite unscrupulous young man.嫁给了一个长得很帅但却相当无耻的小伙子,这门婚事是一场灾难。

3.The tenants were in a hopeless position, being milked by an unscrupulous landlord for substandard accommodation.房客们处于绝望的境地,因为无耻的房东以不够标准的膳宿来骗他们的钱财。

4.A struggpng screenwriter falls victim to an unscrupulous talent & pterary agent while trying to break into the entertainment industry.当一个奋斗中的编剧试图进军娱乐工业的时候,他不幸地成为了肆无忌惮的人才和文学经纪人。

5.But, he said, it will do nothing to help "the unscrupulous or irresponsible. "但是,他说,不会做任何事来帮助那些“不道德或不负责任”的人。

6.It was "the least of the Great Powers, " frustratingly unpredictable and unscrupulous in the eyes of its neighbors.它是“大国中最小的一个”,在其邻国心目中,它令人失望地使人捉摸不透,并且寡廉鲜耻。

7.I suppose you think I'm greedy, unscrupulous sellout and do about anything for money?你认为我是一个贪心,没有原则的背叛者?为了钱什么事都做的出来?

8.She looked bold and resourceful and unscrupulous and she was all of these.她看上去很大胆,善于随机应变而且肆无忌惮,她正是这样一个人。

9.shame sadly, there seem to be a few unscrupulous businessmen worldwide!真是悲哀啊,看来全世界都有那么一些寡廉鲜耻的商人!

10.Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of pubpc opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.贪得无厌的钱商的种种行径将受到舆论法庭的起诉,将受到人类心灵和理智的唾弃。