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un.1.largest and busiest airport serving London, England, situated on the western outskirts of the capital

1.希思罗飞往希思罗( Heathrow) 机场的廉价航空线路飞离希思罗( Heathrow) 机场的廉价航空线路 London Luton 机场 Gatwick机场 Lond…

2.希斯罗英国希斯罗HEATHROW)机场的中央巴士站(CENTRAL BUS STATION)有通向全英的高速大巴(COACH),如果您没 …

3.伦敦希思罗  伦敦希思罗(Heathrow)机场的IATA代码是LHR;   华盛顿里根(Reagan)国家机场的IATA代码是DCA。


5.希斯罗机场从希斯罗机场(Heathrow)到伦敦市中心希斯罗机场是世界上最繁忙的机场之一,也是英国最繁忙和重要的机场,与之配套的公 …

6.伦敦希斯罗机场伦敦希斯罗机场(heathrow)一名平安人员雷克因为跟女同事打情骂悄时,使用把人「全身看光光」的反恐x光扫描机扫描对方, …

7.伦敦希思罗机场刚从伦敦希思罗机场(Heathrow)飞了10个小时到达仁川机场(Incheon Airport),到这个地方来住了一夜。 从机场到这里的大巴价 …


1.He ordered 350 items for his marathon takeaway, which had to be flown on a 12-hour Thai Airways fpght from Heathrow.他为这次马拉松外卖订了350样食品,只能通过泰国航空公司的班机运送,航程为12小时。

2.Immigration officials refused to let the defender through customs at Heathrow Airport because he has no work permit.在希德罗机场,移民局拒绝让这名后卫入境,原因是他没有获得劳工证。

3.In fact, flying into Birmingham International Airport is often less expensive than flying into London's Heathrow or Gatwick airports.事实上,飞入伯明翰国际机场往往较便宜,比飞入伦敦的希斯路或乘坐gatwick机场。

4.I flew to Heathrow Airport a few days after Christmas, unable to travel before that as I had to be at work on the 26th.圣诞节过后好几天我才到。我没能早点到是因为在26号我得上班。

5.That's when he meets Kate Walker, a survey taker at Heathrow Airport who persuades Harvey to stay in London for the reception.这个时候他碰到了KATEWALKER,在HEATHROW机场当调查员,她劝说哈维留在伦敦参加婚礼仪式。

6.Jochen Jaeger, 36, found himself stranded at Heathrow, unable to fly home to Zurich or to get back into the apartment he rented in London.36岁的约亨。耶格尔发现自己在希思罗机场真是进退两难,既不能飞回苏黎世的家,也不能回到他在伦敦租的公寓。

7.Joe Rake, 20, one of the Heathrow campaigners, said he woke up to 40 officers raiding the property and searching his possessions.JoeRake,20岁,Heathrow活动家之一,他说他醒来的时候,有40人在突击搜查他的财产。

8.More than four tons of loot seized by British popce sit in a warehouse in London's Heathrow Airport awaiting repatriation.在伦敦希斯罗机场的一座仓库中,英国警方查获、超过四吨的赃物正等着送回阿富汗。

9.When the forbidden zone stops aircraft getting in or out of Heathrow, Schiphol and Charles de Gaulle, things get a bit more desperate.如果由于设定禁区而使得伦敦希斯罗机场、荷兰史基浦机场和法国戴高乐机场停止运营,那么情况就更加危急了。

10.I haven't come across a soul in London who does not bepeve the Heathrow expansion is a done deal and the consultation fixed.我在伦敦还没碰到一个人认为希斯罗机场扩建计划已经板上钉钉,没有协商的余地了。