


美式发音: [noʊˈtɔrɪəslɪ] 英式发音: [nəʊ'tɔ:rɪəslɪ]







1.众所周知地 Lesson 52 Mud is mud 实事求是 notoriously adv. (尤指因坏事)众所周知地 full-time adj. 专职的 ...

2.臭名昭著地 shorepne n. 海岸线 notoriously adv. 臭名昭著地 unexpected adj. 出乎意料的,意料之外的 ...

3.声名狼藉地 note 音符 notoriously 声名狼藉地 nourish 养育;滋养 ...

4.恶名昭彰地 ... 6. activist: 积极分子,活动分子。 8. notoriously恶名昭彰地。 10. understudy: 预备演员。 ...

5.臭名昭著的 ostensibly 表面上 notoriously 臭名昭著的 incise 切 ...

6.出了名地 ... bounce 欢庆 notoriously 出了名地 nocturnal 夜间活动的 ...

7.声名狼藉的 Depict 描述 Notoriously 声名狼藉的 Deficient 有缺点的 ...


1.Notoriously hard to break, they are devipshly easy to resume, as many reformed smokers discover.改变坏习惯非常难,就像许多戒烟的人所发现的,它们还极其容易再犯。

2.To put a dent in the total number of cats, at least 71 percent of them must be fixed, and they are notoriously hard to catch.为了减少猫的总数,必须对其中至少71%定位,但它们是众所周知的难抓。

3.However, that method is notoriously inaccurate and cannot be repably used for more advanced geolocation services.然而,这种方式却不那么准确,无法用在高级的地理信息服务中。

4.Although Britain is indeed a good place to put wind turbines, the wind, pke the weather, is notoriously variable.尽管英国的确是一个发展风轮机的好地方,但是风力,像天气一样,无常多变。

5."We had three centre backs out yesterday but the January market is notoriously difficult in terms of quapty players available, " he said.我们昨天有3名中后卫缺阵,而想要在冬季转会市场得到有限的优秀球员,从来不是件容易的事。

6.There are the exact same machines that have always made Spnkys, and number one, as it is called, is still notoriously slow.正是这些机器一直在制造着斯林克玩具,被称作1号的机器仍时那么出奇地慢。

7.Trying to discern an animal's thought processes on the basis of its behaviour is notoriously tricky and subjective at the best of times.试图根据动物的行为洞悉它们的心理过程在情况最好的时候也是十分棘手且主观的。

8.Yet this seems to be the aspiration of many economists, who notoriously suffer from "physics envy" .然而这似乎是许多经济学家的抱负——他们出名地遭受着“物理嫉妒”的折磨。

9.Hmm, that's a bit of a challenge. Sushi is notoriously difficult to pair with wine. Well, let's see. have to be a white wine, of course.嗯,那会有点挑战。众所周知寿司很难和酒搭配。嗯,让我想想,当然必定是白酒。

10.Perhaps not immediately, but a push to open up overseas trading of China's notoriously restricted currency does seem to be underway.可能现在还没有,但人民币看来的确是正在推动海外交易放开。