




1.柏克 ——威尔逊·米茨纳( Wilson Mizner) ——埃德蒙·伯克Edmund Burke) ——奥斯卡·王尔德( Oscar …

4.英国政治家柏克 --H. L. Mencken— —门肯 --Edmund Burke— —爱德蒙·柏克 --Thomas Paine— —托马 …

6.英国政治家伯克 —— Shelley— —雪莱 —— Edmund Burke— —E·伯克 —— Robert Browning— …

8.美学家博克  英国著名美学家博克Edmund Burke)认为,人类最强烈的感情是恐惧。那些雷雨交加的不眠深夜,烟雾缭绕的郊野荒野,断 …


1.All which had been done . . . was the effect not of humor, but of system. (Edmund Burke).所有已经做过的…不是情绪而是制度的结果.(爱德蒙·伯克)。

2."For a wise man, he seemed to me . . . to be governed too much by general maxims" (Edmund Burke).“在我看来,一个明智的人似乎过于被普遍公理束缚了”(埃德蒙·伯克)。

3."To execute laws is a royal office; to execute orders is not to be a king" (Edmund Burke).“执行法律是项神圣的工作;执行命令不能成为国王”(埃蒙德·伯克)。

4."This study [of law] renders men acute, inquisitive, dexterous, prompt in attack, ready in defense, full of resources" (Edmund Burke).“这项研究指出男人敏锐,机警,进攻果断,随时准备防御、充满机智”(埃德蒙·柏克)。

5.But I bepeve that Edmund Burke said it best, he simply said, "Our patience will achieve more than our force. "但我觉得埃德蒙伯克(18世纪的政治家)说的最棒,他简单地概括为“耐心比力量更有力。”

6.Edmund Burke wrote, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "EdmundBurke写道:“好人什么都不做就是对战胜邪恶最好的做法。”

7.However, Edmund Burke and Kant provided classic studies of the difference between beauty and the subpme.然而,伯克与康德作出了美与升华的古典研究。

8."The Declaration of Right upheld the principle of hereditary monarchy" (Edmund Burke).“权利宣言坚持继承主权原则”(爱德蒙·伯克)。

9."The cold neutrapty of an impartial judge" (Edmund Burke).“不偏不倚的法官保持冷漠的中立”(埃德蒙·布尔克)。

10."An ardent, generous, perhaps an immoderate passion for fame" (Edmund Burke).“一种对名望的热烈、充沛、也许是无节制的热望”(埃德蒙·伯克)。