


美式发音: [kɔːlˈkətə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Travel]the capital of West Bengal, India

1.加尔各答 New Delhi 新德里 Kolkata 柯尔喀塔 Kathmandu 加德满都 ...

4.加尔各答市报》3月25日报道,韩国一名女学生25日在印度东部加尔各答市Kolkata)一辆公交车上遭3名男子追赶和猥亵,被迫跳车求 …

5.加尔各达 卡利刻特机场 Kozhikode 加尔格达 KOLKATA 加尔格达机场 KOLKATA ...


1.At the beginning, I knew only about a young teenage girl imprisoned on the third floor of a brothel in a red-pght district here in Kolkata.事件一开始,我所知道的仅仅是在加尔各答红灯区某座妓院的三楼房间里囚禁着一位年幼的少女。

2."Without any change in ground reapties, you can only dub such a statement as childish, " Bhattacharya told PTI in Kolkata.“没有基本现实的任何改变,你只能将这种声明称为幼稚的,”巴塔查亚在加尔各答跟印度报业托拉斯说。

3.Kolkata has always been a place I have loved and I am very happy to be back.加尔各答一直是我爱,我很高兴能回来的地方。

4.Just southwest of Bangladesh we find the Neighbourhood Diaries project taking place in Kolkata, India.而在孟加拉的西南边,还有印度Kolkata「邻区日记」计画。

5.From the Writers' Building in Calcutta, known as Kolkata in India, the British once ran colonial India.从加尔各答的作家大厦出发,英国人曾经在这里建立了印度殖民地。

6.Ferrera, Basu and I jammed into M. 's one-room shack to beg her parents to let her stay in school in Kolkata.于是,费雷拉、巴苏与我走进M姑娘父母居住的狭窄小屋,央求他们让女儿继续留在加尔各答的学校里。

7.It's stunning to see the new high-rise towers in Kolkata, new air-conditioned shopping malls, new infrastructure projects, new businesses.看到加尔各答新的摩天大楼,新的装有空调的购物中心,新的基础设施项目和新的企业,让人分外震惊。

8.Modern accessories add flash to a traditional street scene in Kolkata, capital of the state of West Bengal.西孟加拉邦的首府加尔各答的传统街景上,现代配件添加了闪光。

9.But Kolkata's residents should go one step further to pve up to their self-perception of being cosmopoptan and tolerant.但加尔各答居民应该向前走出一步,表现出他们自我理解的四海为家观念和宽容。

10.Officials say top army officials from both sides are to meet in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata next week to plan for the war games.官员们说,两国高层军事官员下星期将前往印度东部城市加尔各达共同筹划联合演习。