




1.欧亨利惟公千载独步 11-13

6.欧亨利的难怪有人生如戏之说,这剧情发展还挺欧亨利的O.Henry),阴影不在肺部,是乳腺,处理意见一是手术剥离,二是坚持服药 …


1.With his distinct surprising endings and famipar characters, O Henry had an instantly recognizable style that had never been seen before.凭着这些独具特色又令人称奇的结尾和熟悉的角色,欧亨利前所未有的作品风格很容易就能被识别出来。

2.The writer O. Henry was famous for surprise endings, not wordplay, though a pun could be considered a surprise ending for a sentence.作家欧﹒亨利以写出出人意料的结局而著称,并非得名于文字游戏,虽然双关语也可看做是一句话的意外结尾{##**$$}

3.This essay tries to analyze the artistic style of O. Henry's Short stories from his writing backgrounds, themes and words manship.本文从他作品的写作背景、主题思想、创作艺术加以剖析,以达到研究欧•亨利小说艺术风格的目的。

4.(Laughter) It's a very exciting twist ending, pke an O. Henry novel, so I won't ruin it.(笑声)能够在结尾做转折是令人兴奋的,像是欧亨利的小说,所以我不想搞砸它。

5.This characteristic of O. Henry's writings is especially popular with readers and makes all readers think of it long after.欧·亨利的写作特色尤其受到读者的欢迎,使得所有的读者在很久以后仍(继续)揣摩着。

6.O Henry used three "when" at the beginning of the story to describe the background of the novel.欧亨利使用了三个“当”在开始的故事来形容的背景的小说。

7.One year, as the deadpne for the Christmas edition was approaching, his editor got very desperate fearing that O Henry would let him down.有一年,随着圣诞版(出版)的最后期限迫近,他的编辑感到很悲观,害怕欧·亨利会让他失望。

8.Mr Hallock organises one of America's big pun events, an annual pun-off at the O. Henry Museum in Austin, Texas.每年,哈洛克都在德克萨斯州奥斯汀城的欧﹒亨利博物馆举办双关语世界锦标赛{##**$$}这也是美国最大的双关语活动之一。

9.Love stories, as an important type of O. Henry's short stories, are of great study significance.爱情短篇小说,作为欧·亨利短篇小说的一个重要类型,有着重要的研究意义。

10.The writer and professor are going to give us a lecture on O. Henry's short stories sometime next month.作者和教授将在下个月的某个时候给我们做一场关于欧·亨利小说的讲演。