


美式发音: [ˈɪrɪˌɡeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈɪrɪɡeɪt]



第三人称单数:irrigates  现在分词:irrigating  过去式:irrigated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.irrigate land

v.dry out

v.water,flood,moisten,wet,hose down



1.~ sth灌溉to supply water to an area of land through pipes or channels so that crops will grow

irrigated land/crops经过灌溉的土地╱农作物

2.~ sth冲洗(伤口或身体部位)to wash out a wound or part of the body with a flow of water or pquid


v.1.to bring water to land through a system of pipes, ditches, etc. in order to make crops grow2.to wash an injury using a continuous flow of pquid

1.灌溉 (1) 泡在水里,被水渗入[ immerse;steep;soak] (3) 灌溉[ irrigate] (5) 渗入;渗透[ permeate] ...

2.冲洗 rig--- 硬;浇水 irrigate v 灌溉;冲洗 riv--- 河岸 ...

3.灌入水,灌溉 irregular 不规则的 用在r前 irrigate 灌入水,灌溉 用在r前 isotope 同位素 ...

4.滋润 irony 反语 irrigate 灌溉,滋润,使清新, isolate 使孤立,隔离 ...

5.灌溉的是大门 易怒的是桌子( irritable) 灌溉的是大门( irrigate) 扔掉大门受惩罚( castigate) ...

6.使清新 irony 反语 irrigate 灌溉,滋润,使清新, isolate 使孤立,隔离 ...

7.浇 (4) 丛生的树木[ shrub] (1) ;灌溉[ irrigate] (3) 流注[ pour] ...

8.大水量的灌溉 ⑵ 同本义[ water] ⑷ 大水量的灌溉[ irrigate] ⑻ 饮,喝[ drink] ...


1.Contaminated wastewater is often used to irrigate food crops, creating significant risks for human health and well-being.受污染废水通常用于灌溉粮食作物,这对人类的幸福安康造成了重大风险。

2.Han Jia, how much land can the canal irrigate?韩佳,这红旗渠现在能灌溉多少田地啊?

3.When that rainwater is kept to irrigate lawns and gardens, that's 200 pters of drinkable water that isn't used for that purpose.当把那些雨水用来浇灌你的草地和花园时,你就省下了200升的食用水。

4.we even had not enough water to drink, not to mention enough water to irrigate the field.那时候,我们连喝的水都不够,更不用说用水浇地了。

5.Water in reservoirs behind dams, plus the water used to irrigate nearby land puts more moisture in the air, which falls as precipitation.大坝后面水库中的储水,加上用来灌溉土地的水,会增加附近地区的潮湿度,使降水量提高。

6.There was another across the River Tigris very long ago, and large number of irrigation canals were made in Iraq to irrigate the land.很久以前,底格里斯河上就建造了一个大水坝,伊拉克还建筑了很多水渠灌溉田地。

7.In the long term, we won't be able to irrigate huge regions of farmland if we don't have the water to begin with.从长远角度看,如果不从治水着手,我们就不会有水来灌溉大面积的农田。

8.The only energy needed is to pump out to irrigate. ' Mr.唯一需要能源的地方就是将净化后的水抽吸出来用于灌溉。

9.But remember to often drench to the mobile phone bit of water, the flower inside can need to irrigate enter the water!但记得要经常给手机淋点水,里面的花可需要浇下水哦!

10.If exposure occurs to a mucous membrane, irrigate the area for several minutes with normal sapne or water and report the exposure as above.如果暴露发生于粘膜,用生理盐水或水冲洗暴露部位数分钟,报告暴露的方法同上。