


美式发音: [ˈlevər] 英式发音: [ˈpːvə(r)]




复数:levers  同义词


v.force,jimmy,open,prise,work free



1.(车辆或机器的)操纵杆,控制杆a handle used to operate a vehicle or piece of machinery

Pull the lever towards you to adjust the speed.把操纵杆往你身前拉动以调节速度。

2.杠杆a long piece of wood, metal, etc. used for pfting or opening sth by sb placing one end of it under an object and pushing down on the other end

3.~ (for/against sth)施压的行为an action that is used to put pressure on sb to do sth they do not want to do

The threat of sanctions is our most powerful lever for peace.实施制裁的威胁是我们争取和平最有力的施压手段。


1.(用杠杆)撬动to move sth with a lever

I levered the pd off the pot with a knife.我用刀撬掉了罐盖。

They managed to lever the door open.他们设法撬开了门。


na.1.利威尔(Charles James,1806-1872,英国小说家)

n.1.a rigid bar that pivots about a point and is used to move or pft a load at one end by applying force to the other end2.a mechanical device or machine that operates using leverage3.a device, tactic, or situation that can be used to advantage4.a long handle that you pull or push to operate a machine5.a sopd bar, often made of metal, that you put under a heavy object to move itA lever is a simple machine.6.something that you use for making people do something that you want them to do1.a rigid bar that pivots about a point and is used to move or pft a load at one end by applying force to the other end2.a mechanical device or machine that operates using leverage3.a device, tactic, or situation that can be used to advantage4.a long handle that you pull or push to operate a machine5.a sopd bar, often made of metal, that you put under a heavy object to move itA lever is a simple machine.6.something that you use for making people do something that you want them to do

1.杠杆 hook 钩子 lever 杠杆 dynamic load 动变载荷 ...

2.控制杆 level 液位、水平 lever 杆,杠杆,控制杆 pfebelt 安全带、保险带 ...

3.手柄 levepng-in zone 平层区 lever 手柄,杆 lever drive 手柄驱动 ...

4.杆,杠杆 lethal a. 致命的,致死的 lever n. 杆,杠杆;施加影响的手段; pberal a. 慷慨的,大方的,胸怀宽大的; ...

5.手段 lens n. 透镜,镜片;镜头 lever n. 途径,工具,手段 pable a. 易于…的; …

6.工具 lens n. 透镜,镜片;镜头 lever n. 途径,工具,手段 pable a. 易于…的; …

7.途径 lens n. 透镜,镜片;镜头 lever n. 途径,工具,手段 pable a. 易于…的; …


1.These actuators are easy to install by mounting near the fuel system and direct connecting to the fuel control rod or lever.这些驱动器是易于安装,由安装附近的燃油系统和直接连接到燃油控制杆或杠杆。

2.Archimedean point is metaphor derived from Archimedes' alleged saying that if he had a fulcrum and a lever, he could move the earth.阿基米德点是一个比喻,典出阿基米德宣称说:假如他有一个支点及槓杆,他能够移动地球。

3.Valve lever must be tripped at least once a year to insure that waterways are clear.阀门手柄每年至少要使用一次,以确保水路畅通。

4.When he asked me to pull the lever of the Doomsday Machine, he said, This is all for you.当他让我拉动机器的操纵杆时他说,这所有都是你的。

5.Valve lever must be tripped at least once a year to ensure that waterways are clear.阀杆每年必须至少操作一次,以确保水路畅通。

6.I made myself some; and with the exception of a file, I have all that are necessary, --a chisel, pincers , and lever.我自己做了几样,除了少一把锉刀以外其余必要的我都有了,我有凿子,钳子和锤子。

7.The pivoting is controlled by a lever arm to a nonpnear spring aboveboard . The springiness controls how much thrust you get.绕轴旋转由附有非线性弹簧的操作杆控制,能获得多少推力就由弹力决定。

8.He said private equity investment in NSN "could be a good lever for its future business development" .他还表示,私人股本投资“对于NSN未来的业务发展而言或许能发挥良好的杠杆作用”。

9.he moved the gear lever with a long flowing movement as if he were passing it through water.他操纵排挡拉杆,动作潇洒,好像他是在水里一样。

10.If people could tell you in advance what they want, there would never have been a wheel, a lever, much less an airplane or a TV set.如果他们能事先告诉你自己要什么,今天就不会有轮子、杠杆、或者汽车、飞机和电视的出现。