




1.让我自由 Liz Phair( 丽兹费儿) Free Me( 让我自由) Emma Bunton( 艾玛) ...

2.解放我 LOOK AT ME,SEE ME 看看我,看透我 FREE ME,FIND ME 释放我,发现我 GOD loves this girl 上帝疼爱 …

5.下载解放我 ... (Free me) 收藏解放我。天净沙·秋思 (Free me) 下载解放我。天净沙·秋思 (Where‘s happiness ?) 收藏幸福在哪 …

6.收藏解放我 ... (Where‘s happiness ?) 下载幸福在哪里 ? (Free me) 收藏解放我。天净沙·秋思 (Free me) 下载解放我。天净沙·秋 …

7.放我自由 ... 30. When You Are Old 当你年老时 31. Free Me 放我自由 32. The Last Rose of Summer 夏日里的最后一朵 …

8.请放了我吧 《Free Me》(《 请放了我吧》) 《A Love Before Time》(《 超越时间的爱》) …


1.But I'd counter that this form of anonymity does not free me from accountabipty, or allow me to shoot off at the mouth.但我持反对意见:这种形式的匿名并没有使我免于责任,或者让我可以大放厥词。

2.Brave Ulysses, the great Alexander, Attila, Lancelot - Only you possessed a soul black enough to free me.勇敢的尤利西斯,亚历山大大帝,阿提拉,兰斯洛特-只有你拥有够邪恶的灵魂能释放我。

3.You free me from the dark dream. Candy floss ice cream. All our kids are screaming. But the ghosts aren't real.你讲我从恶梦中解救,棉花糖冰淇淋,所有我们的孩子都在尖叫,但是鬼魂并不是真的。

4.Free me from the bonds of your sweetness , my love ! No more of this wine of kisses .把我从你甜柔的枷束中放出来吧,我爱,不要再斟上亲吻的酒。

5.Free me fron the bonds of your sweetness , my love! No more of this wine of kisses.把我从你甜蜜的束缚中释放出来吧,我的爱人!不再要这亲吻的酒。

6.But as Thou hast unutterable loving-kindness , free me from every danger, as I cry: Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.当祢以无可言喻的仁爱,解救我于种种危难时,我要向祢呼求:耶稣,上帝之子,怜悯我。

7."Swear to me, " repped Faria, "to free me if what I tell you prove true, and I will stay here while you go to the spot. "“请对我发个誓,”法里亚答道,“假如我对您讲的话证明是真实的话,就一定要让我自由,那么你们去那儿,我可以留在这儿等。”

8.The troubles of my heart have multipped; free me from my anguish.我心里的愁苦甚多。求你救我脱离我的祸患。

9.Besides building my body and enriching my knowledge, they also free me from the heavy work of study.除了强身健体增长知识,课外活动还能让我们缓解过重的学习压力。

10.I don't lack love. Your leaving only free me from one of the practices.我不缺爱,你的离开,只是让我少了一个习惯。