


网络释义:燃气热泵(Gas Heat Pump);热泵(geothermal heat pumps);良好卫生规范(Good Hygiene Practice)


1.燃气热泵(Gas Heat Pump)组冷热电三联供CCH... [冷热联动机组] …

2.热泵(geothermal heat pumps)开始销售煤气热泵(GHP)、正式进入空调市场。1984 1981 小型卧式水冷柴油发动机生产累计完成500万台。

3.良好卫生规范(Good Hygiene Practice)房良好卫生规范(GHP)3.5S运动与餐饮卫生4. 餐饮职业道德 屏东县餐饮业职业工会08-7371359劳工育乐中心 1.会员200元2.非 …

4.食品良好卫生规范(Good Hygienic Practice)而在食品良好卫生规范(GHP)中规定贰、 食品业者良好卫生规范一般规定 六、 食品业者卫生管理 (五) 食品业者应指派卫生管理 …


1.The Reception is to be held at the Banquet Hall on the second floor of the GHP. Please find your designated zone and seat.国庆招待会在人民大会堂二楼宴会厅举行,请按指定区域、桌次就座。

2.The rated operating mode of the GHP is presented after analyzing the characteristic of compressor, evaporator and condenser.通过对压缩机、蒸发器和冷凝器的特性分析,得到热泵循环系统的额定运行工况;

3.Lounge suit or national dress is kindly required. Please enter the GHP 30 minutes before the opening of the Reception.请着正装或民族服装,提前30分钟入场完毕,入场后请关闭手机、寻呼机。

4.A Hybrid Air-conditioning System Incorporating GHP and Desiccant DehumidificationGHP与除湿相结合的复合空调系统

5.Research on GHP model with constrained departing and landing capacities起降容量受限的地面等待模型研究

6.Single Runway GHP Model Research Based on DES基于DES的单跑道地面等待模型研究