


美式发音: [ˈaɪˌsɔr] 英式发音: [ˈaɪˌsɔː(r)]



复数:eyesores  同义词

n.blot on the landscape,blot,monstrosity,blemish,fright



1.碍眼的建筑;丑陋的东西;令人厌恶的东西a building, an object, etc. that is unpleasant to look at

That old factory is a real eyesore!那老工厂实在碍眼!


n.1.something that is ugly or unpleasant to look at, especially a building

1.眼中钉 Pound of Flesh( 一磅肉)【让我想到了《威尼斯商人》.....】 Eyesore眼中钉) Stranger( 陌生人) ...

2.刺眼的东西 + chowhound 贪吃鬼 + eyesore 刺眼的东西 +confab 会议 闲谈 ...

3.难看的东西 Exotic 外来的,奇异的 Eyesore 难看的东西 ,眼中钉 facade 正面;表面; …

4.碍眼的东西 ... 7. bioluminescence 发光体 8. eyesore 碍眼的东西 9. motif 装饰图案 ...

5.碍眼 Permanent: 最终的 Eyesore令人厌恶的东西 Regulation: 规定 ...


1.The numerous extended comments in brackets are also a bit of an eyesore. Most would be better as footnotes, or dispensed with altogether.括号中过于冗长的评论看起来不太顺眼,大多数适宜以注脚的形式出现或者干脆省略掉。

2.Backgrounds can be a bit repetitive but it's not really that of an eyesore. The attention becomes more focused on the character on screen.背景画面的重复率有点高,但并没有产生太大的负面影响,玩家的注意力更多的放在了屏幕中角色们的身上。

3.The relevant departments see me as an eyesore. They're not too comfortable if I speak the truth.我现在被有关部门视若眼中钉,我说了些实话他们感到不快。

4.His tie was an eyesore , but he had a pleasant, open face and an attractive grin .他的领带鲜艳刺目,面孔却坦率开朗,笑容可掬,招人喜爱。

5.Laars Vilmar denied his wind farms would be an eyesore and insisted there had been no local opposition to his plans.LaarsVilmar声称,他的风力场不会碍眼,而且坚持认为,当地从没有反对过他的规划。

6.The old log pavipon was an eyesore, with boarded-up windows, a trash-strewn kitchen, and cobwebs in every dusty corner.破旧的原木凉亭是难看的,用木板钉死的窗户,遍地垃圾的厨房并且每处肮脏的角落都有蜘蛛网的存在。

7.He'd pleaded with her since yesterday not to carry her valuables in that eyesore.他从昨天起就恳求她不要把贵重物品放在这玩意儿里。

8.Used once to tote groceries, the thin white bags often go on to second pves as permanent pollution and an eyesore.这种薄薄的白色袋子仅仅在购买日用杂货的时候使用一次,而后就成为永久性的污染和碍眼物了。

9.These gaudy signs all over campus are a real eyesore.标牌立在校园里,怪碍眼的。

10.One of the debates on wind turbines is on the siting of them and that they cause an eyesore on the landscape.其中一个辩论中,对风力涡轮机是对选址,他们和他们的事业一有碍观瞻,对景观。