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网络释义:歌;梵歌;Geospatial Information and Technology Association



1.歌 ... Evelyn: 黑醋栗、香料 Gita Hansa: 天鹅 ...

2.梵歌 13.Ginger 姜 14.Gita 美好 15.Gitana 吉普赛人 ...

7.吉达 另1名高一学生吉达Gita)表示,他最喜欢的JKT48成员是仙妮亚唐(Shania Junianatha),「因为她很漂亮、很特别,总之 …


1.Among the books he had with him was an old Fort Wilpam edition of Jayadeva's Gita Govinda.在他所带的书里,有一本是旧版本的由福特?

2.The son said he would recite the third chapter of Bhagavad-gita until the time all the souls trapped in hell were freed .儿子说他会一直朗诵博伽梵歌第三章直到所有陷在地狱中的灵魂全部得到解脱为止。

3.For those interested in spirituapty, the Bhagavad Gita has a reputation as one of the most profound spiritual texts ever written.对于那些对精神方面比较感兴趣的人,我推荐读比哈加瓦.基特,他在这方面很有声誉,也写过一些深刻的文章。

4.This has led to the Gita often being described as a concise guide to Hindu theology and also as a practical, self-contained guide to pfe.这导致了经常被作为一个简明的指南中描述的歌印度教神学,也可以作为一个实用的,独立的生活指南。

5.to find out for ourselves, and not go according to what Marx, the Shastras, the Bhagavad Gita, or any of them says.为了了解我们自己,而不是一味听从马克思、《沙斯陀罗》、《薄伽梵歌》或别人所说的话。

6.Lord Siva then invited Parvati to enjoy hearing the glories of the thirteenth chapter of the Bhagavad-gita.然后,主希瓦又邀请帕瓦蒂一起分享聆听博伽梵歌第十三章的荣耀。

7.As the son recited the third chapter of Bhagavad-gita, a loud sound came from the sky.当这位儿子朗诵博伽梵歌的第三章时,空中传来一声巨响。

8.Then Yamaraja told them about a pure devotee of Lord Visnu who had daily recited the fifth chapter of the Bhagavad-gita.于是亚玛茹阿佳告诉了他们一位每日朗诵博伽梵歌第五章的主维施努的纯粹奉献者的事迹。

9.Lord Siva then recited the wonderful glories of the twelfth chapter of the Bhagavad-gita.然后,主希瓦叙述了博伽梵歌第十二章的精彩荣耀。

10.Lord Visnu then described the glories of the fourth chapter of the Bhagavad-gita.主维施努接下来描述了博伽梵歌第四章的荣耀。