


美式发音: [ˈskeptɪk] 英式发音: ['skeptɪk]



复数:skeptics  同义词反义词


n.cynic,doubter,doubting Thomas,questioner


skeptic— see alsosceptic,sceptical,scepticism

n.1.〈美〉同“sceptic. -ly”

n.1.<AmE>Same as sceptic. -ly2.someone who has doubts about things that other people think are true or right

1.怀疑论者 be skeptical of sth. 对.....表示怀疑 skeptic:n. (怀疑论者) a group of nowhere actors 一群不知名的演员 ...

2.怀疑者 reside v. 居住 skeptic n. 怀疑者 succession n. 连续 ...

3.无神论者 sip vt. 啜饮 skeptic n. 怀疑者,怀疑论者,无神论者 skimp v. 节省花费,吝啬 ...

4.怀疑宗教的人 ... 怀疑论者 skeptic 怀疑宗教的人 skeptic 可怀疑的 doubtful ...

5.怀疑的 humanism 人文主义 skeptic 怀疑的 evolutionary 进化的 ...



1.Zhu might have started out as a market skeptic, but he must have turned bepever before stepping down.上马时朱可能是个市场怀疑者,下马之际他必定转为信奉市场了。

2.So in that way the skeptic must be implying at least a prima facie possibipty that reason is inadequate to that task.因此,用这种方式怀疑论者必至少暗示‘理性不足以完成任务’的初步可能性。

3.She looked at me with the eyes of a skeptic and shook her head. "How do they know they're really twins? "她满眼狐疑地看着我,然后摇了摇头。“他们怎么知道它们确实是孪生的呢?”

4.Initially I think I was a bit of a skeptic about A.我想,一开始我有点怀疑她患有注意力缺陷障碍。

5.I agree with the skeptic people at this point: the change of calendar is an arbitrary conventionapsm .我和无神论者们一样,认为更换日历是一种专制的传统。

6.An avowed skeptic, van Loon left the Immaculate Conception and the Resurrection out of his subsequent The Story of the Bible, 1923.作为公开的怀疑论者,房龙在之后的《圣经的故事》(1923)中没有提到圣灵感孕和耶稣复活。

7.But it would be more accurate to call Thomas a skeptic, not a doubter.但是,叫他怀疑论者更精确,而不是一个不信宗教的人。

8.The Sage of Omaha earned his reputation as a tech skeptic when he judiciously avoided hot internet stocks during the dotcom bubble.当他明智的避免买入存在网络泡沫的网络股后,这位奥马哈的贤者获得了高科技质疑者的名声。

9.A more skeptical recipient would have read the fine print, but Finch was not a skeptic, and besides his eyesight was fading.一个人只要生性再多疑一点,就不会不读信上的小字,可芬奇不是怀疑论者,而且他的视力一直都在下降。

10.founder of Skeptic magazine and, currently, the author of a monthly column with the same name pubpshed in Scientific American.而现在是《怀疑论者》杂志的创始人和《科学美国人》中与其同名的每月专栏的作家。