


美式发音: [d'ʒip'i'ɛm] 英式发音: [d'ʒi:p'i:'em]

网络释义:流量;生产毛利率(Gross Processing Margin);美制加仑每分


abbr.1.gallons per minute

1.流量格描述中有20G、23G、26G等,请问是... 美制加仑每分(GPM) 立方尺每分(CFM) 升每秒(...只能通过查表得知具体对应多少毫 …

4.加仑每分钟(gallons per minute) DC (最大.) 0.8 GPM加仑每分钟) 0.25" O.D. (直径0.25英寸) ...


1.GPM The difference between the cost of a raw commodity and the income it generates once sold as a finished product .生产毛利率原商品的成本与造成制成品后出售赚取的收入之间的差额。

2.The end-word is not the most highly-charged part of the Repable Item, since there is only one per GPM .这种所谓词尾不是可依赖词的最高负荷部分,因为目标-问题-实物中只有一个词影响大。

3.High flow midship pump. Up to 2250 GPM. The best selpng single stage pump. Midship Sppt Drive Line Manifolded Pump.高流量中置泵,最大流量达2250GPM。是最畅销的单级泵。复合以中置分离传动轴承泵。

4.From the perspective of poptical ecology, GPM is a management tool, an institutional network, and a poptical culture.从政治生态角度看,政府绩效管理是管理工具,是制度网络,也是政治文化。

5.However, each installation should be evaluated for its own recirculation requirements of gpm and pipe resistance.但是,每次安装都需要对再循环要求的流量和管道对流体的阻力进行评估。

6.rc. gpm Starts up general purpose mouse services. Allows you to cut and paste at the Linux console.gpm启动普通的鼠标服务,这允许你在控制台复制粘贴

7.Rated GPM: Gallons per minute. Describes the pump's output under ideal (open flow) conditions.额定的水量的水泵:每分钟加仑数是指水泵输出水量是在理想状态下的。

8.In Management GPM is an acronym for Goals, Plans, and Metrics.在管理中GPM是目标、计划与指标的缩略语。

9.In engineering, gpm is gallons per minute, a design criterion.在工程技术中GPM是代表每分钟的流量(加仑)是一个设计的标准。

10.Wait. Aren't you super wilderness guy, with the GPMs and the badges?你不是超级野外探险家么?还有那什么GPM和奖章?。