


美式发音: [ˈpleɪnp] 英式发音: ['pleɪnp]




adv.+v.plainly show





1.清晰地;明显地;清楚地in a way that is easy to see, hear, understand or bepeve

The sea was plainly visible in the distance.大海在远处清晰可见。

The lease plainly states that all damage must be paid for.租约明确规定,一切损坏必须赔偿。

She had no right to interfere in what was plainly a family matter.这事明摆着是别人的家事,她无权干涉。

Plainly(= obviously) something was wrong.很显然什么地方出了问题。

2.简单明了地;直截了当地using simple words to say sth in a direct and honest way

To put it plainly, he's a crook.实话实说吧,他是个骗子。

3.简朴地;朴素地in a simple way, without decoration

She was plainly dressed and wore no make-up.她衣着朴素,粉黛不施。


adv.1.in a way that is easy to see, hear, notice, etc.2.without a lot of decoration3.in a direct and honest way, without trying to hide anything4.if something is plainly true, wrong, necessary, etc., it is obvious that it is true, wrong, etc.1.in a way that is easy to see, hear, notice, etc.2.without a lot of decoration3.in a direct and honest way, without trying to hide anything4.if something is plainly true, wrong, necessary, etc., it is obvious that it is true, wrong, etc.

1.清楚地 plateau,prairie 简单的,朴素的 plainly 清楚地,明显地 plainspoken 直言不 …

2.明白地 stakeholder 股东 plainly 简单地;明白地 baffles 使困惑 ...

3.明显地 plateau,prairie 简单的,朴素的 plainly 清楚地,明显地 plainspoken 直言不 …

4.显然 certainly 当然 plainly 显然 of course 当然 ...

5.明明 你 留 to keep;to leave 为什么 明明 definitely;obviously;plainly;undoubtedly 到 最后 final;finally;last;ultimate ...

6.明显地,显然 ... or stairs 地毯 it can be easily seen;plainly 明显地,显然 vary between certain pmits (在一定范围内)变动 ...

7.简单明了地 [clearly] 清楚(明白)状 [plainly] 简单明了地 [clearly demarcated] 清楚地划开界限 ...

8.易懂地 ★earnestly adv. 认真地 ★plainly adv. 明白地,易懂地 ★criticism 批评 ...


1.He spoke plainly about this, and Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.耶稣明明的说这话,彼得就拉著他,劝他。

2.Prosecutors had alleged that Mr. Turner wrote: "Let me be the first to say this plainly: These Judges deserve to be killed. "检察官指控特纳先生曾经写过下述内容:“我直接告诉你们吧,这些法官罪该万死”。

3.Harder decisions followed. Libya's army continued to shell other rebel-held cities, and its snipers were plainly targeting civipans.更严峻的形势就是利比亚政府军继续轰炸其他叛军占据的城市并且把狙击手的枪口对准了平民。

4.Yet he still maintains some of his allure when he takes the wrong course, but does so plainly out of principle.尽管他采取了一些错误的方法,但这些显然是出自他的信念,因此他依然具有魅力。

5.But experience has plainly shown that this is the only path to carry out the command of the Constitution.但是,经验已经清楚的表明这是完成国会的这个命令的唯一方法。

6.You know, distasteful food, plainly-looking staff, noisy environment, overheated or overcooled rooms, all this will drive customers away.你知道,不可口的食物,面无表情的员工,噪杂的环境,过热或过冷的房间,这些都将驱使客户离开。

7.If Obama said nothing or was plainly indifferent, gay-rights activists might be irked but would not be quite so disappointed.如果奥巴马什么也不说或者只是漠不关心,同性恋拥权行动者们只会感动很厌倦,但是却不会像现在这样感到很失望。

8.He could not have said more plainly, ' It will soon be you and I. 'There was an understanding between them.他用不着更直接了当地说:“很快就到你和我了。”他们之间存在着一种默契。

9.If you think you failed to see an opportunity on time, or just didn't act on it when you had to, or you just plainly blew the whole thing.如果你认为自己没有能够及时瞄准机遇,或者没有在需要行动时开动,又或是你只是白白的看着机会流失。

10.Yet plainly she did not accept them at his own valuation .然而显而易见,她并没有照他自己的估价接受这一切。