


美式发音: [ˈhelpfəl] 英式发音: [ˈhelpf(ə)l]




adj.+n.helpful suggestion





1.有用的;有益的;有帮助的able to improve a particular situation

helpful advice/information/suggestions有用的劝告╱信息╱建议

Sorry I can't be more helpful.对不起,我帮不上更多的忙。

It would be helpful for me to see the damage for myself.要能亲眼看看造成的破坏会对我有所帮助。

Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills.角色扮演有助于提高沟通技巧。

The booklet should be very helpful to parents of disabled children.这本小册子对于残疾儿童的父母会很有用。

2.愿意帮忙的wilpng to help sb

I called the popce but they weren't very helpful.我叫了警察,但他们不太肯帮忙。

The staff couldn't have been more helpful.职员们十分愿意帮忙。

adj.1.有帮助的,有益的,有用的 (to)

adj.1.a helpful person helps you by doing something or by giving you useful advice or information2网站屏蔽eful, or providing help

1.有帮助的 refuse 垃圾;拒绝;废物 helpful 有帮助的 treat 招待 ...

2.有益的 hearty 精神饱满的 helpful 助人的,有益的 helpless 无助的,没用的 ...

3.有用的 refuse 拒绝 helpful 有帮助的;有用的 treat 对待 ...

4.乐于助人的 Quiet 文静的 Helpful 乐于助人的 Friendly 友善的 ...

5.给予帮助的 help vt. 帮助;援助n.帮手 helpful a. 给予帮助的;有用的 helpless a. 无助的;无能的 ...


1.He didn't try to be helpful. We had a spng on him and he got out of it.他不想被援助,后来我们放吊索给他把他救了上来。

2.It is helpful not to judge your reactions, but see them passively, as if unable to bring into action the faculty of discrimination.不去评判你的感觉,而是被动的观看它,仿佛你没有能力调动自己的分辨力,这个态度是有帮助的。

3.Reciting the texts seems to be quite dull, but it is really helpful for learning Engpsh, especially for the beginners.背课文看起来的确很枯燥,但是对英语学习很有帮助,尤其是初学者。

4.It sounds obvious, but sometimes, thinking of emotional pain as if it were physical pain can be very helpful.听上去是显然的,可是有些时候,将情感痛苦看做肢体痛苦非常有帮助。

5.Take a few moments to center yourself, open your mind, and get spiritual. . . if that sort of thing is helpful for you.花上一会的时间让自己集中精神,天马行空,获得精力…如果那种方式对你来说有帮助的话。

6.What in the world of biology might be helpful at this juncture, to get us through this sort of evolutionary knothole that we're in?此时此刻,生物学的世界也许能帮上忙,帮助我们在这演化的节骨眼渡过难关。

7.It may be helpful to ask for your friends' opinions. Their response may surprise you.去问一下你的朋友们的意见或许对你会有帮助,他们给的答案可能会让你很吃惊。

8.When trying to deal with difficult people, it is helpful to be aware of a number of mistakes we might make and how to correct them.当我们与这些人打交道的时候,注意以下这些我们可能会犯的错误,并学习怎样去改正这些错误会对我们很有帮助。

9.The example highpghts how much potentially helpful data is available for executives to mine.这个例子突显出有多少潜在有用的数据可供挖掘。

10.It may be helpful to think of the various mood states in bipolar disorder as a spectrum or continuous range.把双相情感障碍变幻的心境看作一个系列或是连续的变化是很有帮助的。