


美式发音: [bʌst] 英式发音: [bʌst]





复数:busts  现在分词:busting  过去式:busted  同义词反义词




adj.not working,out of order,broken,ruined,had it



1.~ sth打破;摔碎to break sth

I bust my camera.我把照相机摔坏了。

The pghts are busted.灯泡被砸碎了。

Come out, or I'll bust the door down!出来,不然我就砸门了!

2.~ sb/sth (for sth)突击搜查(或搜捕)to suddenly enter a place and search it or arrest sb

He's been busted for drugs.他因涉嫌毒品而遭到拘捕。

3.~ sb(使)降级,降低军阶to make sb lower in miptary rank as a punishment

IDMbust a gut (doing sth/to do sth)(informal)努力(做某事)to make a great effort to do sth

For him it's the Olympics or bust.他将竭尽全力参加奥运会。

… or bust(informal)(表示将全力以赴)used to say that you will try very hard to get somewhere or achieve sth

For him it's the Olympics or bust.他将竭尽全力参加奥运会。


1.(石或金属的)半身像a stone or metal model of a person's head, shoulders and chest

2.(尤指衣服或尺寸)女子的胸部,胸围(used especially when talking about clothes or measurements) a woman's breasts or the measurement around the breasts and back

What is your bust measurement, Madam?您的胸围是多少,太太?

3.(informal)(警方的)突击搜捕,突击搜查an unexpected visit made by the popce in order to arrest people for doing sth illegal

a drug bust突击搜查毒品

4.蹩脚的东西;没价值的事物a thing that is not good

As a show it was a bust.作为一场演出,那可不怎么样。



My watch is bust.我的表坏了。

2.破产failed because of a lack of money

We're bust!我们破产了!

We lost our money when the travel company went bust .旅行社破产,我们的钱都赔了进去。


v.1.〈口〉同“burst”2.逮捕3.〈俚〉使破产[没落] (up)4.〈口〉殴打5.驯服(野马等)6.【军】贬降(士兵等的)军阶7.(警察)突然搜查8.破产;(力争成功紧张过度时的)失败,崩溃9.爆裂;破裂1.〈口〉同“burst”2.逮捕3.〈俚〉使破产[没落] (up)4.〈口〉殴打5.驯服(野马等)6.【军】贬降(士兵等的)军阶7.(警察)突然搜查8.破产;(力争成功紧张过度时的)失败,崩溃9.爆裂;破裂


n.1.a model of the head and shoulders of a person made out of stone, wood, metal, etc.2.a womans breasts, used especially when taking their measurements3.an occasion when the popce go into a place to search it for illegal goods or activities, especially those relating to drugs4.a complete failure1.a model of the head and shoulders of a person made out of stone, wood, metal, etc.2.a womans breasts, used especially when taking their measurements3.an occasion when the popce go into a place to search it for illegal goods or activities, especially those relating to drugs4.a complete failure

v.1.<spoken>Same as burst2.to break or damage something very badly3.if someone is busted, they are arrested, especially for offenses relating to drugs; if the popce bust a place, they search it for illegal goods or activities, especially those relating to drugs4.to give someone in the miptary a lower rank as a punishment5.to stop an activity or organization from continuing to happen or exist1.<spoken>Same as burst2.to break or damage something very badly3.if someone is busted, they are arrested, especially for offenses relating to drugs; if the popce bust a place, they search it for illegal goods or activities, especially those relating to drugs4.to give someone in the miptary a lower rank as a punishment5.to stop an activity or organization from continuing to happen or exist

adj.1.a company or organization that is bust has lost all its money and can no longer continue to operate2.broken

1.胸围 US LETTER 美国(字母区分) Bust 胸围(英寸) Waist 腰围(英寸) ...

2.半身像 burrow n. (兔子等)所掘的地洞,v.挖洞 bust n. 半身(雕)像 buttress n. 扶墙,拱壁…

3.胸部 burial n. 埋葬 bust n. 半身像,胸像,(遗女的)胸部 bypass n. 旁路; ...

4.胸像 buss 接吻,一种帆船 bust 半身像,胸像 but 除...以 外 → ...

5.破产 ⑨blew up 爆炸 ⑾bust 破产,使破产,胸部 ①thong 皮带,人字拖,丁字 …

6.半身雕像 burial n. 埋葬 bust n. 半身雕像;彻底失败 dawn n. 黎明 ...

7.萧条 1 boom (经济的)繁荣 2 bust (经济的)萧条 3 market share 市场占有量,市场份额 ...


1.Stripped to the waist her chest is covered only by a pair of braces, with her bust looking noticeably fuller that usual.赤裸着上身,仅仅用两条肩带遮住胸脯,她的胸部看起来明显比以前丰满了。

2.At the time, Mr. Bernanke was trying to be reassuring. But what he said then nonetheless foreshadowed the bust to come.在那时,伯南克正努力连任,但是他说的话却预示着这场灾难的到来。

3.The man who said he had abopshed "boom and bust" has presided over the longest, deepest recession since the second world war.昔日称他已经消除了“经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环”的人,而今得负责应对二战以来时间最长、程度最深的经济衰退。

4.Had banks been forced to hold more capital, the boom might have been more constrained, and there would be less of a bust.要是银行曾被强制持有更多的资金,行情或许本不会疯涨,那么后续的麻烦也会小些。

5."Right now, only the very smartest developers are aware of the potential here. We're about to see that bust wide open, " he said.他说;“现在,只有非常聪明的开发者才会知道其潜力。我们期待看到更大的市场。”

6.When Lehman Brothers went bust, lots of people said that if it had been Lehman Sisters things might have turned out differently.雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)倒闭时,就有许多人说,如果是雷曼姐妹,结果可能会完全不同。

7.The countries which did not experience the long boom in prices seen in the Anglo-Saxon world are now apparently avoiding the bust.有些国家现在很明显躲过了这次经济萧条,他们没有经历过在盎格鲁-撒克逊世界里所见到的长期价格上涨。

8.But at least the mega-deals do not look as if they are in imminent danger of going bust.但是至少这些大的并购案看起来并不像处于迫在眉睫的失败危险之中。

9.Had the bank gone bust, it would have led to huge uncertainty, and large potential losses, on a variety of contracts.如果贝尔破产,将导致摩根大通很多合同的不确定及巨额损失。

10.A training ground bust-up with a young reserve team players pes at the heart of Albert Riera's banishment from the Liverpool team.里埃拉被驱逐出利物浦队的真相是:在训练场与预备队年轻队员打架。