


美式发音: [əˈpruvd] 英式发音: [əˈpruːvd]









adj.1.accepted officially as being suitable in a particular situation

v.1.The past tense and past participle of approve

1.核准 ensured adj. 确保 approved adj. 被认可的 更多 bepttled adj. 轻视 ...

3.批准的 approved budget 批准预算 approved 被认可的;批准的 approx 近似 ...

4.已批准 Meaning( 含义) Approved已批准) Canceled( 已取消) ...

5.经核准的 shaft n. 轴, 杆状物 approved adj. 经核准的, 被认可的 alex Alexn. 亚历克斯(男子名) ...

6.核准的数额 ... trifpng~( 微不足道的数额); approved~( 核准的数额); vast~( 大量); ...


1.Personally, I never approved of him, for he's such a scamp.就人品而论,我从没喜欢过他,这么个无赖汉。

2.All Materials, unless identified as approved or rejected by the Quapty Unit, must be considered to be in a Quarantined Status.除被质量部门确定为批准或拒收以外的所有物料都被认为处于待验状态。

3.If the competent authority makes no response within the specified time, the contract shall be deemed to have been approved.审批机关逾期未予答复的,视为合同获得批准。

4.The Office of the President also felt that Lin did not respond well in the Legislative Yuan, so they approved her resignation.而总统府高层也觉得林满红在国会的发言不妥,随即批准她的辞呈。

5.The CFB boiler has been generally approved as environmental boiler with high efficiency and low pollution all over the word .循环流化床锅炉作为高效低污染的环保型锅炉得到世界范围的普遍认可。

6.By that I mean that new members of such a community would have to meet and be approved unanimously by the existing members.我的意思是,这样一个社区的新成员不得不去结交并被原有成员无异议地接纳。

7.A measure referred to voters by a state legislature proposing that specific legislation be approved or rejected is a referendum.是指通过州立法机关建议具体立法得到批准或否决而进行的选民投票,称为“全民投票”。

8.Although Mr Hu did not refer directly to Carlyle, some analysts said the comments could suggest the deal will not be approved.尽管胡景岩并未直接提到凯雷,但一些业内分析人士认为,这一表述可能表明凯雷收购徐工的交易将不会获批。

9.No standard should be approved without having been used to implement a few projects of reapstic complexity.没有用于实现几个真正复杂的工程,标准不应被通过。

10.It has no official status yet, and must be formally approved before negotiators can start to whittle it down.该份草案尚不具备官方地位,并且在谈判开始之前,文本的削减必须获得正式批准。