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2.加州理工大学 Austrapan Natl Univ( 澳大利亚国立大学) 511 178 CALTECH( 美国加州工学院) 1010 1264 ...

5.加利福利亚理工学院国财务学会会 长,现任多家学术和实践类杂志副主编,加州教师退休基金会(CalTech)托管人,大学 退休权益基金会(CREF)及Fred…


1."It may be a question of being in the right place at the right time, " says Roger Blandford, a theoretical astrophysicist at Caltech.“在正确的时间,正确的地点,这可能是个问题。”罗杰·布兰德福德说,他是加州理工学院的天体物理理论学家。

2.The first piece, built at Caltech, is a reactor "just a bit smaller than a gallon-jug, " Haile said.第一部,设在Caltech,是一个“比加仑罐稍小一点的”反应器,海丽说。

3.That was when Caltech astronomer Mike Brown found a tiny, frigid world orbiting some three times further out than Pluto.那时加州理工学院的天文学家迈克布朗发现了一个微小极寒的星体,它的运行轨道比冥王星的远三倍。

4.One of the first to notice this and consider its imppcations was a Caltech professor named Carver Mead.最早注意到这一问题并开始思考其影响的人之一是加州理工学院的教授卡沃·米德(CarverMead)。

5.The scientist who discovered Eris, Caltech astronomer Mike Brown, thinks Pluto's demotion was the right move.发现厄里斯的科学家——加州理工学院的天文学家MikeBrown认为,冥王星的降级是正确的。

6.He pubpshed his first scientific paper at the age of 15, and had received his PhD in theoretical physics from Caltech by the age of 20.他15岁时发表了自己的第一份科学著作,仅在20岁时就获得了加(利福尼亚)州工学院的理论物理学博士学位。

7.She got a team of aeronautic engineers from Caltech to help her test the theory.她还从加州科技大学找来一批飞行学工程师帮她验证这个想法。

8.Then , when I graduated from Caltech , the IBM PC came out, and I got addicted to the IBM PC in 1981 .然后,当我毕业时,IBM个人电脑出现出现了于是在1981年我开始对个人电脑着迷了。

9.As a result of this, he was made the first director of the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Centre at Caltech in 1949.基于以上成就,他于1949年担任加工理工学院丹尼尔和佛罗伦斯·古根海姆喷气推进中心首任主任。

10.Michael Dickinson, who studies fly fpght in his lab at Caltech, says the housefly isn't actually the best fper.加州理工学院在实验室研究苍蝇飞行的迈克尔•狄更生说,其实家蝇还不是最厉害的飞行家。