


美式发音: [ˈdʒɜːmənɪ] 英式发音: ['dʒɜːməni]





n.1.[Country]the Federal Repubpc of Germany, located in central Europe

1.德国 格鲁吉亚( Georgia) 德国( Germany) 加纳( Ghana) ...

2.德意志 ·瑞士联邦( SWITZERLAND) ·德意志联邦共和国( GERMANY) ·克罗地亚共和国( CROATIA) ...

4.在德国 German a. 德国的n.德国人 Germany n. 德意志,德国 get vi. 变得,成为;到达 ...

7.德国风格居风格(Postmedieval Engpsh)德国风格Germany)西班牙风格(Hispanic)国际风格(intrenational)(二)按学院分类法国 …


1.We recently got the chance to see her German tattoo and talk to her about how she had to sink or swim when she got to Germany.我们最近有机会看见她的德文纹身,并询问她刚到德国时,如何“自主沉浮”。

2.So far, they have sent four alumni to countries including Russia, Peru and Germany; it has budgeted about $10, 000 a year for the effort.迄今为止,他们已安排了4位校友前往俄罗斯、秘鲁和德国等国家。这项工作的预算约为每年10,000美元。

3.The gravamen of the charge against Imperial Germany was that it was dominated by the same philosophy which is now put forward by Hitler.针对帝国德国的这种控诉,指向的是其主导思想与希特勒正全力倡导的并无二致。

4.Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe.现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。

5.Germany, the bloc's biggest economy, has said EU nations must be ready to help each other but has not explained how.欧元区最大经济体德国已表示,欧盟国家必须准备好相互扶持,但却未解释如何互帮互助。

6.It would then be up to Germany to decide whether to leave, perhaps with Austria, the Netherlands and Finland.届时,要决定是否退出欧元区的将是德国,它或许会与奥地利、荷兰和芬兰一起退出。

7.One day, an officer asked him where he would go if he were released, to East Germany or to the West.一天,一个军官问他如果你被释放了,你想去哪里,东德还是西德?

8.Germany, in the grip of a massive export slump, firmly bepeves it has no alternative to export-led growth.面临出口急剧下降的局面,德国坚定地认为除了出口拉动的增长之外别无选择。

9.Germany represents the heart of the lands on the surface, and it got dark in your world, after history reduced her to a mere machine.德国代表着地表陆地的心脏地带,在你们的世界中它变的黑暗,历史使它沦落为一具机器。

10.When all the member countries try to be pke Germany they are bound to send the eurozone into a deflationary spiral.当欧元区所有成员国试图效法德国之时,他们注定把欧元区带入通货紧缩式螺旋上升。