


美式发音: [ɡreɪp] 英式发音: [ɡreɪp]






1.葡萄a small green or purple fruit that grows in bunches on a cpmbing plant (called a vine ). Wine is made from grapes .

a bunch of grapes一串葡萄

black/white grapes(= grapes that are actually purple/green in colour)紫╱绿葡萄

n.1.【植】葡萄2.深紫色; 葡萄紫

n.1.[Plant]a small green or purple fruit that grows in bunches on a vine, often used for making wine2.a dark purple color

1.葡萄 apple 苹果 grape 葡萄 pke 喜欢 ...

2.葡萄紫 紫水晶色 amethyst 葡萄紫 grape 茄皮紫 aubergine;wineberry ...

3.葡萄品种 Table Grape: 无核(籽)葡萄 Grape 葡萄品种 Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠 ...

4.葡萄藤 grasp n. 抓牢;掌握 v.抓,抓住;理解 grape n. 葡萄;葡萄藤 granny n. 祖母,奶奶,外祖母,外婆 ...

5.提子 Banana 香蕉 Grape 提子 Watermelon 西瓜 ...

6.葡萄树 memos n. 备忘录 grape n. 葡萄, 葡萄树 tells vt. 告诉, 说, 吩咐, 断定, 知道 ...

7.葡萄女人 Banana—— 香蕉女人 Grape—— 葡萄女人 Goosebeery—— 猕猴桃女人 ...

8.葡萄色 beige 灰白色 grape 葡萄色 rust 铁红色 ...


1.So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token, the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber.所以当一只猴子用一个代币换回一颗葡萄时,第二只猴子就不愿意用自己的代币换回一片黄瓜。

2.Grape wine, jade dainties, we know, most difficult but, after tonight but I do not know when the mood, why don't you drink a cup, drunk?葡萄美酒,玉盘珍羞,我们知道,良辰难却,过了今宵更不知何时才有此雅兴,何不畅饮一杯,一醉方休?

3.Pinot Noir is often seen as a cantankerous grape variety.黑比诺往往被视为一种能言善辩葡萄品种。

4.He suggested the best approach was to let the patient drink as much red wine or purple grape juice as he or she wanted.他认为,最好的办法是,患者想喝多少红酒或紫葡萄汁,就让他们喝多少。

5.once upon a time a fox found a bunch of ripe grape in a tree.从前有一个狐狸,看到树上有一串葡萄。

6.The grape is usually a woody vine, cpmbing by means of tendrils. In arid regions it may form an almost erect shrub.葡萄通常为木本蔓生植物,藉卷须攀缘,在干旱地区可以长成近乎直立的灌木。

7.Then he would pour me a bowl of Grape Nuts or Cheerios, and spce a banana, half on my cereal and half on his own.然后他就会给我倒一碗麦粉或者麦片,然后包一个香蕉,一半给我一半给他自己。

8.Miles: I don't know, Um, it's a hard grape to grow, as you know, right?我也不知道,它是一种很难种的葡萄,你知道吗?

9.Considering that this grape was thought to be a loser in the U. S. for decades, we're amazed how far it has come in such a short time.想想这种葡萄在美国的种植几十年来被认为是个失败例子,我们却惊奇地发现在如此短时间里它能有如此的进步。

10.I thought mom was hungry so I handed her a grape , she was so happy and said it was so sweet , does it mean me or the grape?我以为妈妈饿了,就给她一颗葡萄,她很高兴,说“很甜”,那是说我还是在说葡萄呢?