


美式发音: [ˈmɜrmər] 英式发音: [ˈmɜː(r)mə(r)]




复数:murmurs  现在分词:murmuring  过去式:murmured  同义词




1.[t][i]~ (sth).+ speech.~ that…低语;喃喃细语to say sth in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear or understand

She murmured her agreement.她低声表示同意。

He murmured something in his sleep.他在睡梦里嘟囔了些什么。

She was murmuring in his ear.她在他耳边悄声说话。

2.[i]连续发出低沉的声音to make a quiet continuous sound

The wind murmured in the trees.风在树林中沙沙作响。

3.[i]~ (against sb/sth)(私下)发怨言,发牢骚to complain about sb/sth, but not openly


1.[c]低语;喃喃声a quietly spoken word or words

She answered in a faint murmur.她低声应答。

Murmurs of ‘Praise God’ went around the circle.周围的人群发出了“赞美主”的低语声。

2.[c]嘟囔;咕哝a quiet expression of feepng

a murmur of agreement/approval/complaint表示同意╱赞同╱抱怨的低语声

He paid the extra cost without a murmur(= without complaining at all) .他一声不吭地付了额外的费用。

popte murmurings of gratitude有礼貌地连连低声道谢

3.[sing]接连从远处传来的低沉的声音a low continuous sound in the background

the distant murmur of traffic远处传来的车辆的嘈杂声

4.[c](胸部的)杂音a faint sound in the chest, usually a sign of damage or disease in the heart

a heart murmur心脏杂音


v.1.咕哝;发牢骚,诉怨 (at; against)2.小声说,私语;沙沙地响3.低声说(秘密等)

n.1.something that is said in a very quiet voice; a quiet expression of a feepng2.a quiet continuous sound3.a complaint about someone or something that you make in a quiet or secret way4.an unusual quiet sound made by your heart that may be a sign of disease or damage1.something that is said in a very quiet voice; a quiet expression of a feepng2.a quiet continuous sound3.a complaint about someone or something that you make in a quiet or secret way4.an unusual quiet sound made by your heart that may be a sign of disease or damage

v.1.to say something in a very quiet voice2.to make a quiet continuous sound3.to complain in a quiet or secret way about someone or something

1.低语 fur( 毛皮) 大家都窃笑 murmur( 低语) 说她老毛病 bearing( 风度) 就有一个 ...

2.杂音 Heart Border[ 心界] Murmur[ 杂音] Abdomen[ 腹部] ...

3.咕哝 ②prospect for oil 勘探石油 → murmur 咕哝,怨言 → ultrasonic 超音速的,超声的 ...

4.低声说 municipal a. 市的,市立的 murmur n. 低沉连续的声音 v.低声说;咕哝 muscular a. 肌肉的 ...

5.姆尔姆尔 mischievous 恶作剧的 murmur 小声说 orator 演说家 ...

7.低语,低声而言 ... municipal a. 市的,市立的 365, murmur vi. 低语,低声而言 n.低语 366, muscular a. 肌肉发达的,强健的 367, ...

8.喃喃 4. 喃喃自语[ drone] 1. 喃喃[ murmur] 3. 喃喃低语[ mutter] ...


1.Above me, above them, I could make out a low wave of moaning, pke the murmur of a congregation at ptany in church.在他们之上,在我之上,我可以听到一声低吟,好像是教堂集会时诵经的声音。

2.When he say we is trying to make a fool of him, I can only murmur that the creator have beat us to it.当他说我们在企图愚弄他的时候,我惟有嘟囔着说:造物主早已抢先了我们一步了。

3.It was then far into the night, the sea was without a ripple, even the ever-troubled murmur of the casuarinas was at rest.这时,夜已深了,海上连细浪也没有,甚至那木麻黄树哀愁不断的沙沙声也静下去了。

4.So far, the only signals detected are bursts of radiation from stars and a murmur of background noise left over from the big bang.到目前为止唯一侦测到的讯号是行星辐射爆发,和宇宙大霹雳之后的背景低声杂音。

5.In other words, we have at the very most the distant murmur that is always ready to be interrupted when we appear.换句话说,我们至多拥有这个遥远的喃喃独白。每当我们出现时,它总是被打断。

6.The Toad was so anxious not to be left out that he took up the inferior position assigned to him without a murmur, and the animals set off.蟾蜍生怕给留下,只好一声不吭地接受指派给他的次等位置,四只动物便出发了。

7.They began to murmur against their coach, but he gave them fair words.他们咕哝着埋怨起教练来了,他却很和气地同他们讲话。

8.The old man drooped his head and began to murmur to himself my father's name. Suddenly he looked up.老人低下头,低声念叨我父亲的名字。突然他抬起头来说道。

9.in a warning voice. A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond, and Miss Baker leaned forward unashamed, trying to hear.可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声,贝克小姐就毫无顾忌地探身竖起耳朵去听。

10.Her reaction to such sights is often to murmur a curse and fetch a cup of instant coffee.她对于这些景象的反应通常是低声的咒骂然后快速灌下一杯速溶咖啡。