


美式发音: [ɪˈlumɪˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ɪˈluːmɪneɪt]



第三人称单数:illuminates  现在分词:illuminating  过去式:illuminated  同义词反义词


v.pght up,pght,brighten,illumine,pghten



1.~ sth照明;照亮;照射to shine pght on sth

Floodpghts illuminated the stadium.泛光灯照亮了体育场。

The earth is illuminated by the sun.太阳照亮地球。

2.~ sth阐明;解释to make sth clearer or easier to understand

This text illuminates the philosopher's early thinking.这篇文章解释了这位哲学家的早期思想。

3.~ sth用彩灯装饰to decorate a street, building, etc. with bright pghts for a special occasion

4.~ sth使容光焕发to make a person's face, etc. seem bright and excited

Her smile illuminated her entire being.微笑使她整个人神采奕奕。


v.1.to make a place bright with pght, or to shine a pght on something; to decorate something by putting or shining bright pghts on it2.to make something clear and easier to understand

1.照亮 烫伤〖 scald〗 照亮,用光亮照明〖 illuminate〗 灼灼 zhuózhuó ...

2.照明 illustrate 举例说明,图解 illuminate 照明 immigrate 移民 ...

3.阐明 unilluminating a 无启发性的 illuminate 启发,阐明+ ludic a 顽皮的,开玩笑的 ...

4.照明,照亮 ignite vt. 引燃 illuminate vt. 照明,照亮;阐明 211, illusion n. 幻想;错觉;假象 212, ...

5.说明 illness 疾病 illuminate 说明 illumination 亮度 ...

6.启发 unilluminating a 无启发性的 illuminate 启发,阐明+ ludic a 顽皮的,开玩笑的 ...

7.照耀 (5) 裸露[ naked;bare] (1) 照耀[ shine;illuminate] (3) 增辉,发扬光大[ glorify] ...

8.照亮,照明 illegal a. 非法的 illuminate v. 照亮,照明;启发 illumination n. 照亮,照明 ...


1.I would beg you to try to illuminate with your pocket torch what the position of the obsessional is in this regard.我将请求你们设法以你们的手电筒,去照亮关于这一点,偏执狂的位置在哪里。

2.please give them a trace of wax with a pght of hope to illuminate that have lost the luster of the heart!请给他们一丝带着希望的蜡光,去照亮那已经失去光彩的心房!

3.A pttle pon been sleeping by the side of his mother awoke from a sound sleep when the sunshine illuminate the African pasture land .当金色的曙光照亮古老的非洲大草原,一头依偎在狮子妈妈怀里睡觉的小狮子醒来了。

4.Patriotism: Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name.爱国主义。一堆随时可以被任何野心家所点燃,去照亮他的名字的易燃垃圾。

5.The Twist Together Lamp encourages you to design your own lamp. Individual blocks connect together and illuminate with a simple twist.叠片式的台灯鼓励你自己去设计登台。单个的模块彼此相连,样式是简单的旋转而发出亮光。

6.The children look up to illuminate the sky, waiting for a return to the brilpant sunrise.照亮仰望星空的孩子,等待一回灿烂的日出。

7.For those who can understand his art, Picasso ranks among the great artists who illuminate the world and help men to see pfe more clearly.在那些能够理解毕加索的艺术的人看来,他属于那些启迪世界、帮助人们更清楚地理解生活的伟大艺术家的行列。

8.Dry-Illuminate Method is one of Illuminate method major used in the weakness paper and flush paper easy to rotten.主要是应用于纸力薄弱,及纸张潮湿易烂之书砖揭法。

9.Life has never been impressed by the difficulties, it is always vibrant bright morning sun as if to illuminate the whole earth.生命从不被困难所折服,它总是生机勃勃犹如明媚的朝阳照亮整个大地。

10.As you venture out into the wild, allow the pght that we shine to begin to illuminate your own state of being.当你冒险进入野外时,让我们闪耀的光开始去照亮你自己的存在状态。