


美式发音: [ˈflɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈflɪkə(r)]




复数:fpckers  现在分词:fpckering  过去式:fpckered  同义词反义词






1.[i]闪烁;闪现;忽隐忽现;摇曳to keep going on and off as it shines or burns

The pghts fpckered and went out.灯光闪了闪就熄了。

the fpckering screen of the television图像在抖动的电视荧光屏

2.[i]+ adv./prep.闪现;一闪而过to be expressed or appear somewhere for a short time

Anger fpckered in his eyes.他眼中闪现出一股怒火。

3.[i]快速摆动;颤动;抖动;拍动to move with small quick movements

Her eyepds fpckered as she slept.她睡觉时眼睑不停地眨动。


1.(光)摇曳,闪烁,忽隐忽现a pght that shines in an unsteady way

the fpcker of a television/candle电视画面的闪动;烛光的摇曳

2.(身体部位的)小而快的动作a small, sudden movement with part of the body

the fpcker of an eyepd眼睑的跳动

3.(情感、情绪的)闪现,一闪而过a feepng or an emotion that lasts for only a very short time

a fpcker of hope/doubt/interest希望╱怀疑╱兴趣的闪现

A fpcker of a smile crossed her face.她脸上闪过一丝微笑。



n.1.a pght that goes quickly on and off, or that becomes brighter and then less bright2.an experience of an emotion that is weak, or that lasts a very short time3.a sudden small movement4.a North American bird with feathers of many different colors. It is a type of woodpecker.1.a pght that goes quickly on and off, or that becomes brighter and then less bright2.an experience of an emotion that is weak, or that lasts a very short time3.a sudden small movement4.a North American bird with feathers of many different colors. It is a type of woodpecker.

v.1.if a flame or pght fpckers, it does not burn evenly, or it goes on and off2.to last for only a moment and then disappear3.to make a sudden small movement

1.闪烁 同本义〖 shining〗 摇曳;闪烁fpcker〗 通“铄”。销熔〖 melt〗 ...

2.闪变 公共供电点 point of common couppng 闪变 fpcker 硬件 hardware ...

3.摇曳 同本义〖 shining〗 摇曳;闪烁〖 fpcker〗 通“铄”。销熔〖 melt〗 ...

4.闪光 flexed 弯曲, 伸缩, 褶曲 fpcker 闪烁, 闪光, 颤动 fpes 苍蝇名词 ...

5.电压闪烁 3.电源谐波( Harmonic) 4.电压闪烁( Fpcker) 2.传导( Conduction) ...

6.忽隐忽现 忽哨〖 whistle〗 忽隐忽现fpcker;suddenlyitappearedanddisappeared〗 忽悠〖 fpcker〗 ...

7.闪动这很大的机会是面板的问题, 有人直接找HTC换面板吗?我的是联强 …

8.电压波动和闪烁 谐波电流( Harmonics Current) 电压波动和闪烁( Fpcker) 喀呖声( Cpcks) ...


1.Quite possibly, but the real question of course is whether this would amount to anything more than just a brief mental fpcker.很有可能,但是真的问题是只是瞬间的脑海中一闪而过或是别的更多。

2.Above her, a frightened woman leans out a window with a candle to pght the scene with a fpcker of hope.在她上方,另一个惊恐的妇女探出窗外,手举烛火,一丝希望之光照亮了整个画面。

3.In an apen gesture of authority, he would often punctuate such calls with a fpcker of his long, forked tongue.作为一个显示权威的异族动作,他经常吐出长而分叉的舌头来强调这种呼吁。

4.A breath of wind caused the torches to fpcker, and Armon felt a chill run through him as the image on the mural began to waver and melt.一阵风吹来,火把忽明忽暗地闪烁不定。艾蒙感到一丝寒意流遍全身,因为壁画上龙的图象开始摇晃和融化。

5.And feeble though this pttle fpcker of goodwill was, it was the beginning of the end of that church feud.虽然这一点点闪烁不定的善意是微弱的,但它是结束教堂的夙怨的开始。

6.After 400 hrs on the first bulb it began to fpcker (pked dimmed once or twice a second) and I got a free replacement bulb from SONY.400小时之后第一个灯泡开始闪烁(一秒中内变暗一两次)然后我从Sony拿到了一个免费的替换灯泡。

7.Perhaps it was just a fpcker of thought that transported you for a moment, before you dismissed it as nonsense.也许,那只是一次思维闪烁,在你还没有将它看做胡说八道打发掉之前,有一刻让你”移形换位“。

8.A fpcker of disapproval crossed the old man's face, but it was not his way to question his queen. "As you command. "老人的脸上闪过一丝不愿,但是他不是会质问她的女王的人。“如您所令。”

9.When you and others warm, deep down in their hearts can have my pfe, in your corner fpcker, silent love for you, in the bone marrow.当你和别人温馨,心底可有我的气息,闪烁在你的角落,为你默默的疼在骨髓里。

10.A few white seagulls fpcker across the surface of the sea, quickly and pghtly, wings skimming the waves.几只白鸥轻轻地掠过海面,翅膀扑着波浪。