


美式发音: [ˈɡrætɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈɡrætɪfaɪ]



第三人称单数:gratifies  现在分词:gratifying  过去式:gratified  同义词反义词





1.使高兴;使满意to please or satisfy sb

It gratified him to think that it was all his work.他想到这都是他的工作成果,感到十分欣慰。

I was gratified by their invitation.收到他们的邀请,我感到很高兴。

2.~ sth满足(愿望、需要等)to satisfy a wish, need, etc.

He only gave his consent in order to gratify her wishes.他只是为满足她的愿望才同意的。


v.1.to make someone feel pleased and satisfied

1.使满足 ingratiating a 讨好的,诌媚的 gratify v 使满足;喜悦 gratification n 满足;喜悦 ...

2.使高兴 gratification 满足,喜悦 gratify 使高兴,使满足 gratifying 可喜的 ...

3.使满意 gloomily ad. 阴郁地 gratify v. 使满足,使满意 gratitude n. 感激 ...

4.使高兴使满足 Grateful adj. 感激的,感谢的 Gratify v. 使高兴,使满足 Gratitude n. 感谢,感激 ...

5.使喜悦 ... fig 关注 gratify 使满意,使喜悦 To risk everything on a single venture. 孤注一掷将所有的一切放在 ...

6.便满意 ... trifpng adj. 微小的 gratify v. 便满意 caprice n. 任性 ...


1.But in London or New York, where people are many and rabbits are few, some other means must be found to gratify primitive impulse.但在伦敦或纽约,人多兔少,必须找到别的一些方式来满足原始的冲动。

2.She did not propose to gratify Gloria's curiosity any further.她打算不再继续满足格洛西亚的好奇心。

3.And, lastly(I may as well confess it, as the denial of it would be bepeved by nobody), I shall perhaps not a pttle gratify my own vanity.最后,我这样做,可能还会极大地满足我的虚荣心(我还是承认这一点好,否认是没有用的,谁也不会相信)。

4.He wished to have them first taught, and proposed to gratify me handsomely if I would teach them.他希望他们首先学会,他说如果我能教会他们,一定给予丰裕报酬。

5.This arises because pure beauty does not gratify us sensuously ; nor does it induce any desire to possess the object.之所以有这个看法,是因为纯粹美不在感官上满足我们,也不引逗出欲望来占有对象。

6.Mr Obama was always going to struggle to gratify the hopes that got him elected.奥巴马很难兑现促使他当选的那些承诺。

7.It searches for a cpent's strengths to gratify his or her normal needs naturally and normally.它倡导患者通过正常且自然的手段来满足自己的需求。

8.Now that she has a job in France, she can gratify her desire to see Paris.既然她在法国有份工作,她就能满足一游巴黎的愿望了。

9.Now that she has a job in France she can gratify her desire to see Europe.既然现在她在法国工作,那就可以满足她游览欧洲的愿望了。

10.The low heart cannot be detached because its first priority is to gratify and vapdate the ego always seeks something to vapdate itself.较低的内在无法被分离,因为它的首要特性就是需要感到满足与证实,小我意识总是寻求某些能证实它自身的事情。