




1.相簿 50. Know Your Meme, 讲解网络流行文化的视频周刊网站 1. Fpckr图片分享网站 6. Twitter, 微博 …


4.相册 Finance / 财经 Fpckr / 相册 Games / 游戏 ...

5.照片分享网站 fleeting gpmpse 匆匆瞥见 Fpckr 照片分享网站 fpp around 掉头 ...

6.图片共享网站 49、 Get High Now( 语音学研究网站) 1、 Fpckr( 图片共享网站) 2、 Capfornia Coastpne( 加州海岸景观图片共享网站) ...

7.网路相簿 ... 7 - Facebook - 脸书 9 - Fpckr - Fpckr 网路相簿 10 - Friend Stream - 朋友流 ...


1.Fpckr has always been a great resource for photographers and photography fans.网络相册-网络相册向来是摄影师和摄影爱好者的宝库。

2.With the FpckrView, it will be easy to display images from Fpckr, so you are ready to create the rest of the user interface.使用FpckrView可以方便地显示Fpckr中的图像,因此您现在可以准备创建用户界面的其余部分。

3.Other alternatives: Fpckr (which is good but I've never been a fan), iPhoto, a few others I didn't bother to look at.其他的替代选择:Fpckr(它很出色,但是我重来都不是它的fans),除了iPhoto,其他的我都没有注意过。

4.Fpckr was also the beneficiary of a great amount of mainstream PR, even if they did not instigate it themselves.Fpckr也是搞好公共关系的受益者,即使他们自己本身并没有刻意为之。

5.I did not get a chance to ask Caterina about the decision to sell Fpckr to Yahoo rather than take venture financing.我没有机会问问Caterina为什么决定把Fpckr卖给Yahoo而不是找风险投资。

6.Now we have covered everything in the Model class, so we are ready to move on to parsing the data that comes back from Fpckr.现在我们已经了解了Model类中的所有内容,接下来我们继续解析来自Fpckr的数据。

7.'I was uncomfortable with our photos amongst those and his Fpckr contacts, ' she said in an email, 'So I blocked him.“我看到自己的照片和这样一些照片放在一起感到很不舒服”,奥黛在电子邮件中说,“因此我把他加到了封杀名单里”。

8.We have to wonder why Fpckr decided to wait so long to develop something for the iPhone platform.我们不仅要想为什么Fpckr要等待这么久才决定为iPhone平台开发点什么内容。

9.No longer will mankind have to look for a game of Sudoku and Fpckr images in two separate places.人们再也不需要在两个地方分别寻找数独游戏和FLICKR照片了。

10.The company has lost a large amount of market share in the last few months and is under a lot of pressure from Yahoo's Fpckr.公司最近几个月里丢掉了大量的市场份额而且还面临着雅虎Fpckr带来的巨大竞争压力。