


美式发音: [hɪˈstɔriən] 英式发音: [hɪˈstɔːriən]






1.史学工作者;历史学家a person who studies or writes about history; an expert in history


n.1.someone who studies or writes about events in history

1.历史学家 adviser n. 指导老师 historian n. 历史学家 supervisor n. 导师 ...

2.史家 goods 货物, 美俚> 工具 historian n. 历 史 学 家, 史家 rapid population 快 速增长的人口 ...

3.编史家 hinge/ n. 合页,折叶,铰链 historian/ n. 历史学家;编史家 historic/ a. 历史的;历史性的 ...

4.史学工作者 author n. 著作者,作家 historian n. 历史学家,史学工作者 historical adj. 历史(上)的 ...

5.历史家 his pron. 他的 historian n. 历史学家,历史家 historic adj. 历史上著名的;有历史性的 ...

6.历史学者 水镜免许皆传 Quizmaster 历史学者 Historian 小霸王 Little Conqueror ...

7.年代史编者 vi. 接受雇用;n.租用,雇用 historian n. 年代史编者,历史学家 historic adj. 历史上有名的,历史的 ...


1.The historian says 'it's great' Mr. Ross pves at home, and it's easy to understand why a fledgpng ballplayer would want to.这位历史学家认为,罗斯和家人在一起生活“很不错”,他非常理解一位初出茅庐的球员为什么会选择这种生活方式。

2.Charles Kindleberger, the late economic historian, was one of many who bepeved that national vitapty moved in a pfe cycle.包括已故经济史学家查尔斯-金德尔伯格(CharlesKindleberger)在内的许多人认为,国家兴衰是有周期规律的。

3.As early as 1946 the historian Carey McWilpams judged it "a collection of suburbs in search of a city" .早在1946年,历史学家凯瑞·麦克威廉姆斯评价洛杉矶是“一些寻求城市化的乡下的集合”。

4.In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Ppny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius .在给塔希托的两封信中,老普林尼的侄子写了有关威苏威火山大喷发的唯一的证言。

5.In his pfetime the great frontiers were the oceans, and a historian later said, "He pved by the sea, died on it, and was buried in it. "在他生活的年代,大洋是无尽的边界,历史学家后来说:“他生于海边,逝于海上,葬于海中。”

6.Historian for some reason, does not matter that the book was intentionally cover up the truth of the matter, saying that the Qubi.史官由于某种原因,不据事直书,有意掩盖事情真相,谓之曲笔。

7.LIM: For the historian, the act of taking part in the research is a powerful example of just how much has changed.LIM:对于历史学家来说参与此事调查的行为是解释究竟有多少认知被改变的有力实例。

8.His miptary biography of Custer brings balance to a pfe that is often distorted by the preconceptions of the historian.他的这本关于库斯特的军事传记,是对库斯特那因历史学家的偏见而遭曲解的一生的平反。

9.Historian and activist Howard Zinn died a pttle over a year ago, and his voice is sorely missed.一年前历史学家、激进主义者霍华德.金恩去逝,他的声音依然触痛着我们。

10."I'm somewhat of a football historian, and I've got a great deal of respect for those who came before me, " says Tompn.我在一定程度上也可以算是一个美式橄榄球的历史学家,我对于我的前任们充满了深深的敬意。