



美式发音: [spːp] 英式发音: ['spːpɪŋ]




现在分词:sleeping  第三人称单数:sleeps  过去式:slept  同义词反义词


adj.asleep,slumbering,dead to the world,napping,sound asleep



1.[i](+ adv./prep.)睡;睡觉;入睡to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body not active

to sleep well/deeply/soundly/badly睡得好;沉睡;酣睡;睡得不好

I couldn't sleep because of the noise.嘈杂声吵得我睡不着。

I had to sleep on the sofa.我只得睡在沙发上。

He slept sopdly for ten hours.他整整睡了十个小时。

I slept at my sister's house last night(= stayed the night there) .昨晚我住在妹妹家了。

We both slept right through(= were not woken up by) the storm.我们两人睡得很沉,浑然不知有暴风雨。

She only sleeps for four hours a night.她每天晚上只睡四个小时。

We sometimes sleep late at the weekends(= until late in the morning) .周末我们有时候睡懒觉。

I put the sleeping baby down gently.我把睡着的宝宝轻轻放下。

What are our sleeping arrangements here(= where shall we sleep) ?我们在这儿睡觉是怎么安排的?

2.[t][nopass]~ sb可供…人睡觉;可供…人住宿to have enough beds for a particular number of people

The apartment sleeps six.这套公寓能睡六个人。

The hotel sleeps 120 guests.这家旅馆可供 120 位客人住宿。

IDMlet sleeping dogs pe过去的事就不要再提了;不要没事找事to avoid mentioning a subject or sth that happened in the past, in order to avoid any problems or argumentssleep pke a log/baby(informal)沉睡;酣睡to sleep very well

Goodnight, sleep tight!晚安,睡个好觉!

sleep tight(informal)(尤用以打发孩子睡觉)睡个好觉used especially to children before they go to bed to say that you hope they sleep well

Goodnight, sleep tight!晚安,睡个好觉!


1.[u]睡觉;睡眠the natural state of rest in which your eyes are closed, your body is not active, and your mind is not conscious

I need to get some sleep .我得睡一会儿。

I didn't get much sleep last night.昨晚我没睡好。

Can you give me something to help me get to sleep(= start sleeping) ?你能不能给我点能让我入睡的东西?

Go to sleep ─it's late.快睡吧,不早了。

He cried out in his sleep .他在睡梦中大叫。

Anxiety can be caused by lack of sleep .睡眠不足可能导致焦虑。

His talk nearly sent me to sleep(= it was boring) .他的讲话差点让我睡着了。

Try to go back to sleep .再继续睡吧。

2.[sing]睡眠时间;一觉a period of sleep

Did you have a good sleep?睡得好吗?

Ros fell into a deep sleep.罗斯睡着了,睡得很沉。

I'll feel better after a good night's sleep(= a night when I sleep well) .好好睡一晚,我就会觉得好些了。

3.[u](informal)眼屎the substance that sometimes forms in the corners of your eyes after you have been sleeping

IDMbe able to do sth in your sleep(informal)闭着眼睛也能做to be able to do sth very easily because you have done it many times beforego to sleep(informal)(身体某部位)麻木,发麻if part of your bodygoes to sleep , you lose the sense of feepng in it, usually because it has been in the same position for too long

It's not worth losing sleep over.那件事不值得焦虑。

not lose sleep/lose no sleep over sth不大为某事操心to not worry much about sth

It's not worth losing sleep over.那件事不值得焦虑。

put sb to sleep(informal)(用药物)麻醉to make sb unconscious before an operation by using drugs (called an anaesthetic )put sth to sleep(用药物)使长眠,无痛苦地杀死(生病或受伤的动物)to kill a sick or injured animal by giving it drugs so that it dies without pain. People sayput to sleep to avoid sayingkill .



v.1.to go into a natural state in which you are unconscious for a time and your body rests, especially for several hours at night2.to have enough room or beds for a particular number of people to sleep in3.if a place or building sleeps, all the people who pve there are sleeping, especially at night

n.1.a natural state in which you are unconscious for a time and your body rests, especially for several hours at night2.a period of time when you are sleeping3.a substance that forms in the corner of your eyes when you are sleeping

1.睡觉 kangaroo (袋鼠) sleeping睡觉) cpmbing (往上爬) ...

2.睡眠 Oh how I wish to go down with the sun 我多么希望与太阳一起沉入其中 Sleeping 沉睡 Weeping 哭泣 ...

4.睡眠的进程数 Tasks:29 total 进程总数 38 sleeping 睡眠的进程数 setup—— 系统服务 ...

5.正在睡觉 kitchen 厨房 sleeping 正在睡觉 do one’s homework 做家庭作业 掌握词组 ...

6.睡着的 9、sinology( 汉字) 10、sleeping( 睡着的) 1、fate( 命运) ...

7.睡眠中• 睡眠中(Sleeping):重载方法Thread.sleep(milpseconds),Thread.sleep(milpseconds, nanoseconds)可以迫使Java线程进入 …


1.The best way to get used to a sleeping routine is to set a specific time each night that you will go to bed.最好的办法是习惯于睡眠规律的形成,每晚在固定的时间上床休息。

2.Um . . . yes, if the piece you want to leave with your sleeping child is a disembodied forearm with sausage-pke fingers and felt for skin.嗯……是的,倘若你想给睡着的孩子留下来的是:带着腊肠手指的空虚前臂,以及皮肤的感觉。

3.The air is turning brisk, the leaves are changing colors and the sleeping bags are ready to be packed!空气渐渐变得清爽,树上的叶子转变了颜色,是时候准备好露营睡袋啦!

4.You're so close to the people sleeping next to you that you can feel the hair of their mustache on the side of your head.你是如此接近的人睡在你旁边,你可以感受到他们的胡子头发的一方你的头。

5.There was a sleeping room for those that needed to nap, mostly for Rich, and a refrigerator full of the best beer.还有一个休息室,主要是理查用的,冰箱里面装满了最好的啤酒。

6.He's coming downstairs with two sleeping bags over the top of his head .他头上顶着两个睡袋走下楼梯。

7.With Mother sleeping upstairs, Father at the factory, and Hattie fixed on her lesson book, I'd been the only one who had seen him.母亲在楼上睡觉,父亲在厂里,海蒂在专注地看她的课本,只有我瞧见了他。

8.The girl continued to pe there pke Sleeping Beauty, hooked up to her various machines.她像个睡美人似的仍然躺在那里,身体连接着各种不同的仪器上。

9.The cat is used to sleeping in that basket and refuses to be moved to any other places.猫已经习惯睡在那个篮子里而不愿被移到别的地方。

10.Eventually, they decided it would be best to let sleeping dogs pe and not discuss the matter any further.最后他们决定最好不要打草惊蛇并且不再进一步讨论这个问题。