


美式发音: 英式发音: [hɔːst]






n.1.an elevated block of the Earth's crust forced upward between faults

1.地垒 地雷〖 mine〗 地垒horst〗 地塄〖 ridge;slopeonborderoffield〗 ...

2.霍斯特 50~70°的倾角) ,也可为倾向相背的逆断层.地堑常与地垒(horst)伴生. 地堑发育于背斜与穹窿的顶部及地壳受区域应力拉伸区. …

5.豪斯特摄影集 ... 《Life Faces》( 诩诩如生的人物摄影) 200.00 《Horst》( 豪斯特摄影集) 410.00 《Dance Ink》( 舞蹈艺术摄影图片) 3…

6.德国 Horace 哈瑞斯 拉丁, 老师。 Horst 霍斯特 男性 德国 Howar 好尔德 条顿, 看守者。 ...

7.都垒 graben 地堑 horst 都垒 splay fault 入字形、 八字形、 人字形断层系 ...


1.The German President Horst Koehler has resigned following criticism of comments he made about the use of German troops abroad.德国总统克勒(HorstKoehler)因对德国驻国外军队的不当言论而遭批评,随后宣布辞职。

2.Anna Horst When the patient was wheeled into the emergency room , I could tell he was out of it . I asked if he knew the date . He didn't.当病人被推入急救室,我能看得出他思维不清晰了。我问他知不知道今天几号。他不知道。

3.Earper in a short opening ceremony the President of Germany, Horst Koehler, officially declared the tournament open.在之前简短的开幕仪式上,德国总统霍斯特·科勒尔正式宣布世界杯开赛。

4.Horst will join new general manager John Hammond as the Bucks' representatives at the draft lottery Tuesday in Secaucus, N. J.星期二晚上,霍斯特将和新经理约翰-哈蒙德一起出席新泽西州赛考克斯举行的来年新秀顺位抽签。

5.Mr. Horst called the issue of performance one of his "absolute priorities. "豪斯特把性能问题称作自己的“绝对头等大事”之一。

6.and extensional faulted blocks (half graben and half horst) are the main type of structural style.构造类型以伸展断块构造(半地堑和半地垒)为主。

7.Horst had been born in Vienna in 1923, to a Roman Cathopc mother and Jewish father.霍斯特1923年出生在维也纳,母亲是罗马天主教徒,父亲是犹太人。

8.He has written to Horst Kö hler, Germany's president, to ask for earper clemency.为此,他给德国总统霍斯特•科勒(HorstKöhler)写信,请求后者的宽大处理。

9.Moreover, the fundamental mode of the wedge block movement is graben-horst structure.“两堑夹-垒”是楔块运动系统的基本形式。

10.he will join valencia , but it has not been announced yet , because of who they have in goal , " said stuttgart manager horst held t" .“他会加盟瓦伦西亚,但是还没有被公开,因为我们都希望他能留下”斯图加特经理赫斯特说。