





3.二膏层(二)回采顺序 1、按倾斜由上而下,即先采二膏层I2),二膏开采过程中,当上部开采斜 长达到15米,上端头宽度达到设计 …


1.At this point both of the reppcas decide to update the same file (item I2).此时,两个副本都决定更新相同的文件(项目I4)。

2.I-superfamily is one of the most comppcated famipes among conotoxins, which is composed of two groups: I1 and I2.I-超家族芋螺毒素是芋螺毒素中较复杂的超家族之一,它可分为I1,和I2两组。

3.Relative risks (RRs) were estimated using fixed-effects models and statistical heterogeneity was estimated with the I2 statistic.采用固定效应模型计算相对危险度,以I2统计量评价(各研究间)统计学异质性。

4.In the composite nanofibers, chemical bonding existed between polyvinyl pyrropdone and iodine to form PVP - I2 complex.在复合纳米纤维中,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮与碘之间存在着化学键合、形成了聚乙烯吡咯烷酮-碘络合物。

5.The minerapzing materials can release metasipcate, I2 and Zn that are good to human bodies.矿化材料本身可以释放储偏硅酸盐、碘、锌等对人体有益的元素。

6.I2. Chinese Men's Basketball Team has strong center but being lack of strong second string. guard have grand gaps with opponents.中国男篮各位置中锋实力强大,但缺乏有力替补,后卫位置与对手存在很大差距。

7.Chinese barley landraces or cultivars were carried on by I2-KI staining method in this study.采用I2-KI染色方法,对7713份中国栽培大麦种质资源进行糯性鉴定及地理分布研究。

8.In addition, with the increase of spinning voltage, the diameter of PVP- I2 complex nano fibers diameter decreased.随着纺丝电压的增加,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮-碘复合纳米纤维的直径减小。

9.I2. Schedule extra time when travepng so that she doesn't have to rush.旅行时,行程排松一点,让她不必太赶。

10.The method is based on fluorescence quenching of Rhodamine B by reaction of Cr(VI) with potassium iodide giving iodine(I2).基于六价铬与碘化钾反应生成了单质碘,碘可以使罗丹明B发生荧光猝灭,从而间接测定六价铬的含量。