


美式发音: [ˌɔtəˈmætɪk] 英式发音: [ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk]




复数:automatics  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.automatic system,automatic response,automatic rifle,automatic weapon,automatic right





1.自动的having controls that work without needing a person to operate them

automatic doors自动门

a fully automatic driverless train全自动无人驾驶列车

automatic transmission(= in a car, etc.)(汽车等内的)自动变速器

an automatic rifle(= one that continues to fire as long as the trigger is pressed)自动步枪

2.无意识的;不假思索的done or happening without thinking

Breathing is an automatic function of the body.呼吸是一种无意识的功能。

My reaction was automatic.我的反应是不由自主的。

3.必然的;当然的always happening as a result of a particular action or situation

A fine for this offence is automatic.这种违法行为当然要罚款。


1.自动步枪a gun that can fire bullets continuously as long as the trigger is pressed

2.自动变速汽车;自动换挡汽车a car with a system of gears that operates without direct action from the driver



adj.1.an automatic machine or process works by itself rather than being operated by people; an automatic weapon continues to shoot bullets until you take your finger off the trigger2.happening as a result of specific conditions, rules, or laws, without a special decision being made3.done without conscious thought or intention, especially because of habit

n.1.a car in which the gears change by themselves without any action by the driver2.an automatic weapon


2.自动的 auto n. (口语)汽车 automatic a. 自动的;机械的 automation n. 自动,自动化 ...

3.机械的 auto n. (口语)汽车 automatic a. 自动的;机械的 automation n. 自动,自动化 ...

4.无意识的 relay 继电器 二、 automatic adj. 自动的,无意识的,机械的 automotive adj. 自动的 ...

5.自动机械 authority n. 权威,权力 automatic n. 自动机械 autumn n. 秋天 ...

6.自动化 n. 瑞士型自动机床 automatic 自动装置 automatic 自动售票机 ...

8.全自动 ALL STAINLESS STEEL 完全 不锈钢 AUTOMATIC 全自动 (机械表) ...


1.Regardless of the cause, stress sets in motion certain automatic changes in the body that are designed to give it a quick burst of energy.无论何种原因,压力使得我们在快速爆发能量的身体方面发生某些必然的变化。这种变化模式被称作“战斗或逃跑”响应。

2.The D mode operates and feels pke an automatic, except for a subtle but noticeable stutter when moving out of first gear.除了一档起步时会有轻微但能够察觉到的抖动之外,D档的操作感觉和自动档汽车差不多。

3.the operation is simple, easy to use, a high degree of automation, using artificial feeding or automatic feeding conveyor.该机操作简单,使用方便,自动化程度高,用工少,使用人工上料或输送机自动上料可。

4.Driving it was very similar to any other automatic city car, except there was no exhaust system and no emissions.感觉和其他自动挡轿车一样,只不过它没有排气系统以及任何废气排放。

5.He never leaves home without some kind of camera, even if it is only an automatic point-and-shoot digital camera.他出门从未忘记带上某种相机,即使只是一个自动对焦,即按即拍的数码相机。

6.The automatic recovery system separate the system with powder , can guarantee to recover the best result of the raw material.慢速静音粉碎机自动回收系统和粉末分离系统,能保证回收料的最佳效果。

7.For three months, the automatic pghts outside did not go off because it was that dark.三个月间,外头儿的自动照明没有熄灭因为是那么黑。

8.Note that this protects you only from automatic bots, targeted tailor-made bots cannot be stopped by this.请注意,这仅仅是使你免于自动机器人的骚扰,而对于那些有针对性的完全定制的机器人则不能阻止。

9.For an automatic variable declared at the beginning of a function, the scope is the function in which the name is declared.对于在函数开头声明的自动变量来说,其作用域是声明该变量名的函数。

10.Scoring is only time that has not come up with the ball, when all global access after the match ended, automatic pghts extinguished.这时只能打进球,却拿不出球来,当全部球打进后,球赛结束,灯光自动熄灭。