


美式发音: [ˈhutərz] 英式发音: [ˈhuːtə(r)z]




n.1.a womans breasts. This word is only used by men and is considered offensive by many women.

1.猫头鹰餐厅住在费城25岁韩裔车希介,7月1日与女友到皇后区的猫头鹰美式餐厅(Hooters)购买虾子与鸡翅膀,发现服务生对着电脑萤幕 …

7.美丽的猫头鹰 263. 可怕又美丽的动物 Beaute Sauvage 266. 美丽的猫头鹰 Hooters 268. 飞鱼_台湾东海岸之美 Flying fish ...


1.As soon as Admiral Hunter figures you're ready, Jack was about to tell him, when hooters drowned out the thought.杰克刚想告诉他:当亨特将军认为你们已经准备好了的时候。这时候警笛打断了他的思路。

2.When it comes to fulfilpng women's fantasies, Men of X at Hooters has something for everyone.说到如何满足女人们的幻想欲,胡特斯的极品男人们很有一套。

3.Robert: Thank you Mr. Dewitt. Ladies and gentlemen, fellow hooters .罗伯特:谢谢杜威特先生,女士们,先生们,各位同学。

4.yeah , right above hooters.恩。。。在汽笛的正上方。

5.10. Annual breast exam conducted at Hooters.10.每年的胸部检查是在猫头鹰(Hooters)餐厅进行的。

6.I will strike the words "hooters" and "love rockets" from my vocabulary.罢工的话,我会“警报器”和“爱火箭从我的词汇”。

7.She does not have big hooters , her cups runneth over.她没有大鼻子,只是长多了些。

8.He's pke, 'Oh I did this I did that then I took off her dress and then we went to Hooters'. . .他就“我做了这个我做了那个然后我脱掉了她的衣服然后我们去了猫头鹰……”

9.The 2, 469 ducks she possessed were several hundred less than those held by a woman in Capfornia who claims the world record. Hooters她收集的2469个橡皮鸭与据说是世界纪录的一个加利福尼亚女人比还要少几百个。