




1.富人 )..... wise man 智者 )..... rich people 富人 )..... poor people 穷人 ...

2.有钱人 rich people 富人; 有钱人: take from the rich and give to the poor 取自富人, 接济穷人. ...

3.有钱的人 ... the rich=rich people( 有钱的人) the poor=poor people( 贫穷的人) ...

4.富裕人士 人民贫困, 物价高涨, 失业率高. 埃及大约五%富有 ( rich people), 剩下来全是平穷者. 是想一个国家没有中产阶级( middle class)...

8.富有的人 白色圣诞 White Christmas 富有的人 Rich people 家后 Wife ...


1.Some of the houses have steps down to a beach Mostly rich people pve there, the sort of people who pke to be private.一些房子有台阶通往海滩。多数是富人住在那里,就是那些喜欢隐秘的主儿们。

2.41 And He sat down opposite the treasury and watched how the crowd cast money into the treasury. And many rich people cast in much.可十二41耶稣对着银库坐着,看群众怎样投钱入库。有好些财主,投进了许多钱。

3.But they would take place in private, and the process essentially involved rich people taking money out of one another's pockets.不过这些都是在私下进行的,基本上就是一个有钱人从另一个有钱人的口袋里掏钱出来。

4.Researchers asked rich people how much money they needed to be rich.研究人员调查富翁们,他们需要多少钱才变得富裕。

5.You finish this bowl of rice, go find something of the rich people pve will continue to be allowed to come, ah?你吃完这碗饭,就去找个富点儿的人家过日子,以后也不准来了,啊?

6.Thus, we seem to be very rich people, and in fact, we are really very rich. We lack nothing all because we practice the Quan Yin Method!事实上我们真的是很富有,我们没有缺少任何方面,都是因为我们修观音法门!

7.The universe family are glad to see that human society on earth there were many rich people GaoMingZhi and look at the money look very pale.宇宙大家庭高兴地看到,在地球人类社会富人们中有不少高明之士看金钱看得很淡。

8.Let me tell you this is not true, The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were pving in hell.让我告诉你,这不是真实的,世界上有很多非常有钱,但却痛苦的人,如果他们生活在地狱。

9.Poor and bored, they think it's a bit of a laugh to cock a snook at the cops, and at the "rich people" who own businesses.穷人和一些对社会感到厌烦的人们对警察和那些经营自己业务的“富人”嗤之以鼻以及不屑一顾是有点可笑的。

10.It is a color TV . You know , the rich people pke the digital one now . So they have no room fot them .彩色的,你知道现在有钱人喜欢看数码电视了。所以家里没地方放。