




1.维尔 ... 茱莉亚娜 Jupana 维尔 Vere 加比 Gabi ...


3.害怕 ... urge 催促 vere- 词根:害怕 n. carry 运输 ...

4.毗昙 Tera 特拉 Vere 维拉 Edith 伊迪丝 ...


7.男性 ... Vegard 保护 男性 挪威 Vere 男性 法国 Vered 玫瑰 男性 希伯来 ...


1.If you were on the court-martial and Vere did not speak before a verdict was to be rendered, how would you vote?如果您是在军事法庭上并且维尔没有发言,在定案前,您会怎么投票?

2.Why does the narrative pointedly refuse to tell us what passed between Vere and Billy after the court-martial ?为什么文中拒绝告诉我们在军事法庭以后维尔和比利之间究竟怎么了?

3.The Greens infuriate the Tory candidate, Charlotte Vere, a businesswoman and self-styled "social entrepreneur" .绿党激怒了保守党的候选人夏洛特·维尔,她是一个商人,自封“社会企业家”。

4.Is that why I feel so bad about guys pke Vere and Ince getting killed so soon out of training?所以像Vere和Ince那样受训才不久的小伙子被杀掉让我很难过。

5.In our case, it's generally Irene Vere(ph) who works with me, who is just a phenomenal reconstructionist.在我们组里,通常是艾琳-维尔夫与我一起工作,她是一位手艺高超的面部重建师。

6.There is one funny story that historians have told about De Vere, which I strongly suspect will not appear in the movie.这里有一个历史学家说过的关于德.维尔德有趣的并且我强烈怀疑不会出现在这部电影中的故事。这个故事是被17世纪被誉为不可救药的绯闻JohnAubrey记录的。

7.Chicken cook nicely and the mashes potatoes, vere and rice serves together also not bad.味道真的不错,鸡肉很香,薯泥蔬菜和饭配搭得宜,值得推介。

8.Why does Vere convene a court-martial aboard ship?为什么为耳在船上召开一个军事法庭?

9.It is a busy hopday. in the evening, she is vere tired, so she must have a rast.在晚上,他非常疲惫,因此他必须休息一下。