





5.英国毅联汇业集团 ... China Coal Energy 中国中煤能源集团公司 ICAP 英国毅联汇业集团 Hudson City Bancorp 哈得森 …


1."The Treasury's borrowing requirements remain daunting over the next couple of years, " said Lou Crandall, economist at Wrightson Icap.WrightsonIcap经济学家卢•克兰德尔(LouCrandall)表示:“未来几年,美国财政部的举债需求将依然令人望而生畏。”

2."It would be a full-employment act for lawyers, " says Lou Crandall of Wrightson ICAP, a research firm.“这对于律师来说无异于一个充分就业法案,机会多多,”研究公司WrightsonICAP的LouCrandall说。

3.'What precipitated this were customer concerns, ' said Edward Brown, executive vice president in business development and research at ICAP.毅联汇业负责业务发展及研究的执行副总裁布朗(EdwardBrown)说,造成形势急转直下的原因是客户的担忧。

4.'There is no structural funding imbalance right now, ' said Louis Crandall, a money-market analyst at Wrightson ICAP LLC.WrightsonICAPLLC.货币市场分析师克兰代尔(LouisCrandall)说,眼下不存在结构性融资失衡。

5.In general, points out Icap Hyde, there is an "oceanic imbalance" between the Atlantic and Pacific.IcapHyde指出,一般来说在大西洋和太平洋之间存在着“海洋失衡”。

6.The full-on sales efforts can trigger dislocations in capital markets, says Lou Crandall, chief economist of Wrightson ICAP.WrightsonICAP的首席经济学家克兰德尔(LouCrandall)说,这种甩卖行为会引发资本市场的混乱。

7.Sadr is the Columbia University International AIDS care and treatment programs (ICAP), director.萨德尔是哥伦比亚大学国际艾滋病护理和治疗项目(ICAP)的主任。

8."Commodities and equities all move together, " said Walter Zimmermann, vice president at United-ICAP.“大宗商品和股票都在下跌,”United-ICAP副总裁沃尔特?齐默尔曼(WalterZimmermann)说。

9.For prices, 'it's a non-event, ' said Joe Kelly, the New York-based manager of nuclear fuel markets at ICAP.毅联汇业核燃料市场驻纽约经理凯利(JoeKelly)说,对价格来说,这只是“虚惊一场”。

10.Electronic systems run by entities ranging from ICAP to Tradeweb are also offering services similar to those offered by exchanges.从ICAP到Tradeweb等由实体管理的电子系统,也在提供类似于交易所的服务。